U.S. media reports, Dong Yuyu, deputy director of the Chinese official media Guangming Daily Review Department, was detained by relevant Beijing departments for more than a year, his family stated for the first time that he was because of the diplomatic and academic people in Japan and the United States.Division faces spy charges.

The Wall Street Journal reported on Monday (April 24) that according to the statement issued by Dong Yuyu's family, Dong Yuyu was detained with a Japanese diplomat last February last year.At that time, Dong Yuyu was meeting with the Japanese diplomat at a restaurant in the center of Beijing.

The Japanese diplomat was questioned and was released a few hours later, and Dong Yuyu has been detained since then.According to Dong Yuyu's family, the prosecutor sued Dong Yuyu for a spy. His family was told in March that the case had been submitted to a court in Beijing for trial.

His family said that it is unclear when the trial of Dong Yuyu will begin.According to Chinese law, espionage may be punished. If the circumstances are lighter, it can be sentenced to 3 to 10 years in prison, and the highest sentence is sentenced to life imprisonment.

Dong Yuyu's family said that he was neither a spy nor a foreign agent.Relatives and friends said that the interaction between Dong Yuyu and the United States and Japanese scholars, journalists and diplomats can be traced back to more than 20 years ago. His interaction is open, bright, and part of normal knowledge and cultural exchanges.

Dong Yuyu's family also said that investigators surveyed the exchanges between Dong Yuyu and the Japanese ambassador to China and the foreign university scholarship plan.

It is reported that more than 60 foreign scholars and current and former journalists signed an open letter, calling on the Chinese government to "re -consider the severe allegations of Dong Yuyu", saying that in the interaction with Dong Yuyu, they "have no tricks or tricks or tricks orSpy behavior.

Dong Yuyu was from Fushun, Liaoning. After graduating from the Master of Law Department of Peking University in 1987, he joined the Guangming Daily.According to the Wall Street Journal, Dong Yuyu became a writer with reform ideas and multi -produce at the Guangming Daily. He often wrote economic reviews and won many news awards.

Dong Yuyu was a researcher at Harvard University in 2006 to 2007, and visiting scholars from Kiyoshi University and Hokkaido University of Kiyoshi University in Japan in 2010 and 2014.In addition, he also wrote an article on Chinese historical magazine Yan Huang Chunqiu and a comment on the New York Times Chinese website.