U.S. prosecutors said that retired Harvard chemist Charles Lieber was convicted in 2021 to conceal the connection with the "Thousand Talents Plan" in China and should be sentenced to 90 days in prison.

According to Bloomberg report, the prosecutor said on Sunday (April 23) to the sentencing proposal submitted to the Boston Federal Court that Lieber's cancer diagnosis was "significant" to sentencing, and its sentence should be lower than federal guidance than federal guidanceThe level of proposal, but Lieber should be in prison for his lying behavior of his US government.

Federal guidelines have been sentenced to 10 to 16 months in prison.The results of Lieber's verdict are scheduled to be announced on Wednesday (April 26).

The US government said in the court documents submitted that Lieber's crimes are "not a product that is not misled or lightly determined", but reflects Lieber's "continuous deliberate diluiation and Wuhan University of Technology for many years."Relationship, concealing the relationship with the school, secretly full of private pockets.

Lieber is 64 years old. He was the director of the Department of Chemistry and Chemistry of Harvard University.He submitted his sentencing proposal last week, and urged the US judge Rya Zobel to give it to prison in view of his poor physical condition and his existing regrets.

Libo was sentenced to two charges, including concealing the role he played in the "Thousand Talents Plan" in China and his relationship with Wuhan University of Science and Technology.He was also accused of submitting false income tax declaration forms and not submitting a report on foreign banks and other financial accounts to the State Taxation Bureau.

According to the US Department of Justice, Lieber was hired by Wuhan University of Technology as a "strategic scientist" and participated in the university's talent plan at least from 2012 to 2015;The US dollar (the same below, about S $ 66,000), the living expenses are about $ 150,000, and the funds of more than 1.5 million US dollars are used to set up a research laboratory in the university.

In the submitted documents, the prosecutor suggested that after the end of the prison, he would conduct another year of prison supervision of Lieber, fined $ 150,000, and he had to return $ 3,3600 to the US National Taxation Agency.