The British Financial Times reported that according to a court document in Hong Kong, the Dutch bank filed a lawsuit with the losses of related copper transactions in the Copper transactions.

According to the court documents seen by the Financial Times, ING claimed to the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China for $ 170 million (about S $ 227 million).Violation of contract terms.The Hong Kong High Court held a hearing on the case on April 12.

Micco Group is China's largest copper trader.According to reports, in the transaction of Copper to the Hong Kong wholly -owned subsidiary of Micco Group, ING accused ICBC in violation of the contract and therefore included losses.

An unnamed person who has a close relationship with ING revealed to the Financial Times that Industrial and Commercial Bank of China is the bank of Micco Group, ING is the bank of Yuming International.International trading financing party.

In February this year, Micco Group proposed a "pre -reorganization application" to the court, seeking to get rid of the liquidity crisis and restarted copper transactions.

The report quoted a person familiar with the matter and said that the above -mentioned legal lawsuit led ICBC to face reputation and risk. The China Banking Regulatory Commission of the highest regulatory agency of the banking industry has asked Ing to ask the matter.