U.S. media reports, unlike the ups and downs of U.S. Treasury bonds, the Chinese government bond market is relatively calm, but this does not win back most overseas investors.

The Wall Street Journal reported that according to the data published by the two liquidates in China on Friday (April 21), in the first quarter of 2023, foreign investors reduced their holdings equivalent to $ 26 billion (below, about 347.13, about 347.13RMB bonds for 100 million).These investors mainly hold bonds issued by government background entities such as central government and policy banks.

March data shows that overseas institutions are net buyers, with $ 509 million in funds, but this is not enough to offset a large amount of funds from January and February.

Last year, the 10 -year US Treasury yield climbed to 10 -year Chinese government bond yields. This was because the Federal Reserve continued to raise interest rates for inhibiting inflation. On the other hand, it was due to China.The central bank maintains low interest rates to support more economic activities.