The joint chairman of the board of directors of the American Asian Association Santon believes that China should understand how to spread content in international channels in an infectious way.

Sangton Friday (April 21) attended the sub -forum of the "Chinese -style Modernization and World" Blue Hall Forum.When he recalled that when he was in contact with Jiang Zemin, Zhu Rongji and other Chinese leaders in the 1990s, he learned that the decision -making layer would regularly meet with experts in various fields and consult their opinions.The only exception is the field of communication in the English world.

Sangton said that English is the leading language of international communication, but China lacks channel -oriented communication channels for the English world.Information about China often does not come from Chinese, and related narratives have become inaccurate, which is not good for China.

"The most important thing in China can do, whether in modernization of China or other fields, is to figure out how the infectious power is in international channels.Information. "

The former Chinese ambassador to the United States Cui Tiankai, who presided over the forum, agreed with Santon's proposal, but he added:" No matter what we say, others must also have an attitude of willingness to listen. "