Chen Jing Shanghai Special Commissioner

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Li Cheng, director of the John Sangton China Research Center of the Brookings Society in the United States, believes that the stronger Chinese middle class and the atrophy of the United States are one of the guidances of the two countries' opposite.Cut the point.

Li Cheng's "Chinese -style Modernization and World" Blue Hall forum held in Shanghai on Friday (April 21), answering Lianhe Zaobao's questions on Sino -US relations, pointed out that in recent years, Sino -US relations have deteriorated sharply. On the one hand,It is a comprehensive challenge that the United States is concerned about China in the fields of politics, economy, military, science and technology, and the expansion of the gap between the rich and the poor in the United States and the tearing of political parties, making it more sensitive to challenging China.

At the same time, the middle class of the two countries has also showed a long time.Li Cheng quoted data that the number of middle -income groups in China is expected to increase from 400 million to 800 million in 2035.The proportion of middle class in the United States has shrunk to less than 50 % from 70 % in the 1970s.Studies have shown that the income of contemporary American male workers is even inferior to the 1970s.

Li Cheng said that the middle class in China benefits the middle class in the United States and believes that they are the best partners, markets and buyers.Although the American middle -class group is not completely like the advocacy of American politicians and believes that the Chinese have robbed their rice bowls, at least they did not feel that they benefited from it, which brought resistance to the US government's policy of tariffs on China.

In the context of the continued tension between China and the United States, Li Cheng believes that the huge middle class is expected to become the basis for the healthy interaction between the two countries."Both China and the United States attach great importance to the development of the middle class. Can they take this as an opportunity to make the cake bigger together?"

Although the deep contradiction between China and the United States is difficult to reconcile in the short term, experts and scholars participating in the forum believe that China can still improve communication with Western society through various ways and strive for more international support.

Sangton, co -chairman of the board of directors of the American Asian Association, recalled that when he was in contact with Jiang Zemin and Zhu Rongji, such as Jiang Zemin and Zhu Rongji in the 1990s, he learned that the decision -making layer will regularly meet with experts in various fields and consult their opinions.But the only exception is the communication between the English world.

Sangton emphasized that English is a language that dominates international exchanges. China has long lacked communication channels for the English world for a long time. All information about China comes from the Chinese. As a result, the relevant narrative is not accurate and not positive.

"The most important thing in China can do, whether in the modernization of China or other fields, is to understand how the infectious power of the utensils is to spread content in international channels. Let everyone get the same information."

Western is willing to understand that China is not high

Zhang Wei, the dean of the China Research Institute of Fudan University, who spoke after Sandon, responded with the idiom "lonely hard", saying that West is willing to understand China's expectations.

Zhang Weixi said that China is actually the world's largest economy, and at the forefront of technology, and 400 million middle class, is the world's largest consumer market."If Western countries, especially in the United States, still don't think it is necessary to understand you, just wait for you to explain it. I am afraid that the West and the United States will finally regret it in the end."

Weng Shijie, the former vice chief of the House of Representatives of the Malaysian Parliament, pointed out that China's economic volume is not symmetrical with its international voice. At present, the power of public spread is still controlled by Western media.

"But don't forget, there are still many developing countries and emerging economies in the world ... These people should be the target of China to strive. China must have its own discuss"