Meng Wanzhou, vice chairman of China Communications Giant Huawei and Chairman of Rotating, predicts that the global digital transformation expenditure will reach US $ 3.4 trillion ($ 4.5 trillion) in 2026, becoming a new blue ocean for the entire industry chain.

She believes that this is the common opportunity of the entire industry. Digital technology has drove productivity from "quantity to qualitative change" and gradually becomes the core engine of economic development.

When Meng Wanzhou delivered a keynote speech at the 20th Global Analyst Conference of Huawei on Wednesday (April 19), the above conversation was delivered.

This is also the first time that Meng Wanzhou has appeared in public after taking over the chairman of Huawei on April 1 this year.

The contribution of the global overall GDP digital economy has continued to rise

Meng Wanzhou said that the contribution of the digital economy to the global GDP has continued to rise.She predicts that by 2025, about 55%of economic growth will come from the driver of the digital economy.By 2026, the global digital transformation expenditure will be as high as 3.4 trillion US dollars.

Whether it is a digital transformation, or a company that supports digital transformation, it faces huge market space and economic income.

Meng Wanzhou said: "Those who are Ming change from time to time, the wise will be done with it. Digitalization is the highest consensus and the current trend of the highest certainty."

At present, more than 170 countries and regions around the world have formulated their own digital strategies.Meng Wanzhou said that Huawei will maintain investment in connection, computing, storage, cloud, etc.At the same time, provide customers with a minimalist architecture, extremely high -quality, extremely low cost, and excellent experience of the "4 pole" digital infrastructure, so as to achieve the "4ization" of digital transformation, that is, digitalization, digital platformization, platform intelligenceization of platforms, Intelligent actual combat.

Huawei has been severely damaged due to US export restrictions and sanctions in the past few years due to US export restrictions and sanctions.In recent years, Huawei has invested more resources to develop cloud computing, enterprise digitalization, digital energy and other businesses to maintain growth.According to Huawei ’s 2022 annual report, the company's revenue was 642.3 billion yuan (S $ 124.1 billion) last year, a year -on -year increase of 0.9%.

Meng Wanzhou said that for enterprises, digital transformation has never been achieved overnight, and successful transformation is strategies rather than technology -driven. The key is that the company's awareness of transformation of transformation.

She said: "In the process of transformation, we will face a deep, complex system revolution. (If) without the traction of vision, no cultural matching, the solution brought by digital transformation is not the solution is not or notIt may generate value. "

Meng Wanzhou said that when Huawei promoted digital transformation, "unique wood is not forest."She said that the company will promote the industrial ecology through hardware opening, software open source, and let more partners join the ranks of their innovation.The company will also increase the partner ecology, continue to cultivate digital talents, and promote the development of this area.