The latest global financial stabilization report released by the International Monetary Fund states that factors such as the turbulence of the US banking industry have exacerbated the risk of global financial stability. A spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded that the current international financial risks are prominent, and developed countries such as the United StatesMonetary policy radical adjustment is closely related.International parties generally believe that US economic and financial policies have become the biggest challenges for global financial stability.

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Wang Wenbin said on a regular press conference on Thursday (April 20) that global financial stability is related to the development of the world economic recovery and the common interests of all countries, which requires the joint maintenance of all parties.The Federal Reserve has been increasingly raised its global financing costs since last year, exacerbating the disorderly flow of international capital.This not only leads to bankruptcy or acquisition of some banks in the United States and Europe, but also increases the difficulties of emerging markets and developing countries, which is not conducive to the stable recovery of the world economy and the common development of the world.

Wang Wenbin said that the research report shows that the global debt burden of nearly half of the country's debt is nearly half of the commercial creditors from developed countries.Since last year, the level of interest rates in developed countries such as the United States has risen significantly, significantly aggravating the burden of debt repayment in these countries, allowing them to fall into the vicious circle of debt repayment and the prominent risk of facing debt defaults.

Wang Wenbin said that China urged developed countries such as the United States to carefully evaluate the influence of its own economic and financial policies, timely stabilize market expectations, and avoid vicious impact on global financial stability.

He also said that China also called on developed countries to listen to the true heart and urgent needs of developing countries, and provide "true gold and silver" for countries that face difficulties.Others have pushed their responsibilities and effectively assume their obligations to maintain global financial stability and promote the recovery of the world economy.