Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Wang Wenbin responded to the media about the media's question about Sino -US relations on Tuesday (April 11), "The current difficulty in Sino -US relations is in difficulties, and the responsibility is not in China."Internal affairs stopped harming China's interests.

Some media asked questions at a regular press conference of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs held on Tuesday that the US government tried to restart dialogue with Chinese senior executives, including re -arranging US Secretary of State Brillin to visit China.However, it is reported that China has "frozen" contact with high -level diplomacy in the United States.

In response, Wang Wenbin responded that the current Sino -US relations have encountered difficulties and the responsibility is not in China.

Wang Wenbin also emphasized that the United States should stop interfering in the Chinese internal affairs, stop harming China's interests, and stop claiming to add a "guardrail" to Sino -US relations, while destroying the political basis of the relationship between the two countries.He called for the United States to go with China and promote the return of Sino -US relations to the right and stable development of healthy and stable development.