Taiwan's representative of the United States Xiao Meiqin was further sanctioned by mainland China on Friday (April 7).

Comprehensive reports from Taiwan Free Times and Zhongshi News Network, DPP legislator Wang Meihui bluntly stated that if strong maintenance of Taiwan's sovereigntThe people will be Xiao Meiqin's most powerful backing.

She said that during the period of Xiao Meiqin's representative in the United States, it was obvious to Taiwan's contribution to international contributions and greatly helped Taiwan, but it was a pain for mainland China.Xiao Meiqin's efforts are not a country without freedom and no democracy. It is because of doing too many correct things that mainland China will make this strategy, and the dog jumps to the wall in a hurry.

DPP legislator Su Qiaohui emphasized that insisting on going for international sovereignty for Taiwan, and unwilling to sing and collect the mainland, they will be included in the blacklist.In the case of, this list is a great glory mark, because we are brave Taiwanese. "

The DPP legislator Xu Zhijie said that Xiao Meiqin was sanctioned by the mainland and represents her contribution to Taiwan's diplomacy. For Taiwanese, this is a glorious list.However, since the mainland wants to sanctions, whether it should also sanction at nearly 20 US members of the United States of Cai Yingwen and the Speaker of the House of Representatives in Taiwan, otherwise this is just formal sanctions.

The Democratic Progressive Party mayor Huang Weizhe posted on Facebook to support the "Tainan daughter" Xiao Meiqin, and wrote that it was the shame of Lu Fang. It was Xiao Meiqin's glorious mark.

Huang Weizhe said that Taiwan -US relations have reached the best moments from diplomatic and military to economic and trade exchanges. The close cooperation of the Free Democratic Alliance.He also thanked Xiao Meiqin for his efforts to shout "Taiwan to cheer together."

As of now, 10 green camps have been included in the blacklist of sanctions by mainland China.Wu Zhaozheng.

At that time, Su Zhenchang, the president of Taiwan, You Xizhen, and Foreign Minister Wu Zhaoxuan, was included in the sanctioned list of "Taiwan independence stubborn" in June 2021.In August last year, after the then President of the US House of Representatives Pelosi, the representative of Taiwan's representative of the United States, Xiao Meiqin, Gu Lixiong, Secretary -General of the National Security Council, Cai Qichang, then Deputy Dean of the Legislative Yuan, the DPP Call of the DPP, the Deputy DPP DeputySecretary -General Lin Feifan, Time Power Legislator Chen Jiaohua, and DPP legislator Wang Dingyu were also included in the "stubborn elements of Taiwan independence" and were sanctioned.

The Taiwan Affairs Office of Mainland China announced on Friday that further sanctions on Xiao Meiqin were imposed on the grounds that "Taiwan independence" stubbornly Xiao Meiqin took the lead, "leaning on the beauty", deliberately provoked the opposition between the two sides of the strait, and destroyed the peace of the Taiwan Strait.Stability, further exposing its stubborn "independence" nature.