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Tu Reuters/Tom Brenner

Two U.S. officials said that the national security department is working hard to deal with the influence of dozens of confidential documents, including the sharing of sensitive information in the government and the impact of relations with other countries.

Reuters carefully reviewed the documents marked as "secret" and "tight".These documents appeared on social media websites for the first time in early March. The details of Ukrainian military vulnerabilities were said to be disclosed, as well as information about allies including Israel, South Korea and Turkey.Until the New York Times reported on Friday, these documents caused widespread attention.

Reuters does not independently verify the authenticity of these files.Several US officials said that some of the battlefield casualties from Ukraine estimated that numbers seemed to be tampered with to underestimate Russia's losses.

This confidential leak has caused a high degree of alertness within the US Pentagon. The Pentagon will know the Ministry of Justice, and the Ministry of Justice has launched a criminal investigation on the disclosure of the document.

Two U.S. defense officials said that the Pentagon is looking at the management procedures for some of the most sensitive confidential documents that are widely shared in the United States in detail.Because of the sensitivity, the two officials were unwilling to have their names.

One of the officials said that despite the high sensitivity, some documents are likely to allow thousands of people who have obtained the security permits of the United States and their allies.Because this information directly affects these countries.

The Pentagon says in a statement on Sunday that a cross -sector action is undergoing a cross -sector, evaluating the documents that have been taken.The impact is a set of standard processes after the disclosure of confidential information, called "damage assessment".

The first official said that so many people can contact these documents, which highlights that sensitive information may be extensively shared too widely that those may not need to understand some of them.Personnel of file details.

The official said: "The Pentagon needs to limit the access of some most sensitive information to avoid being visited without restrictions without any reason to obtain information."

The two officials have further stated that although the leakage incident is highly concerned, many of the documents only provide the situation in February and March, and it does not seem to disclose any related relatedness.Information about future action.

Although the leakage of these documents seems to be the most serious confidential information leakage over the years, officials said that so far, the severity and scope of their severity cannot be as in 2013.Compared with Wikilytic decryption incidents, 700,000 documents, videos and diplomatic telegrams appeared on the website.