Wang Xisi, a famous Sino -US relations scholar in China, said that the domestic political issues of China and the United States are the most critical factor for the direction of bilateral relations and the deterioration of relations between the two countries."If the domestic politics of China and the United States continue to develop along the current track, the trend of deterioration between the relationship between the two countries will not be reversed."

Shen Zewei reported [email protected]

Sino -US relations fall into a spiral decline. If nothing happens, it is the best situation, and the worst situation is that the two sides have war due to accidents.The two countries have caused a huge crisis due to accidents and are "may not avoid". China and the United States are prepared for this.

Wang Xisi, a well -known Sino -US relationship scholar in China, on Thursday (April 6) at the Outstanding Lecture of the Outstanding Scholar of Nanyang University of Science and Technology, will Sino -US relations continue to deteriorate with Sino -US relations?When a speech was delivered, the above evaluation was made on Sino -US relations.

Wang Jisi said that the domestic political issues of China and the United States are the most critical factor for the direction of bilateral relations and leading to deterioration of relations between the two countries.He said: "If the domestic politics of China and the United States continue to develop along the current track, the trend of deterioration between the relationship between the two countries will not be reversed."

Even if the next presidential election of the United States election new leaders, Wang Xisi believes that Sino -US relations will not have fundamental changes, and the tension of relations between the two countries will continue for a long time.

He is pessimistic, the best situation is that the two sides continue to communicate and do not start the war.The most likely situation is that the current situation lasts for a while, and the two sides will not start war, but there will be more competition and mutual accusations.The worst situation is that the two sides started war and decoupled in more fields.

Wang Xisi further said in the questioning session, "the worst situation is accident, and the war caused by accidents."He mentioned that there is no intention to confront China and the United States, but any accident may trigger a major crisis between the two countries, and such an accident "may not be avoided."

"I don't know when it will happen, what form happens, it may be tomorrow, it may be five years later, but we must prepare for such an accident." ThereforeEspecially the official working level communication to improve the relationship.

Wang Xisi's pessimistic assessment is based on China and the United States, as in the past, and are willing to improve the relationship on some issues.

For example, he said that the Chinese Embassy in the South China Union was bombed in 1999 and caused a major crisis, but the crisis was resolved a few months later, because both China and the United States believed that they needed to continue cooperation in economic issues.In 2001, the Chinese and US military aircraft collided over the Chinese exclusive economic zone near Hainan Island, and it also resolved the crisis very quickly, because the 911 terrorist attacks occurred in the same year in the same year, anti -terrorism was a common position in China and the United States.

"Looking at the moment, if the Chinese -US warship collides or US military aircraft sink in Chinese waters, it may cause a greater military crisis."

Even if the Kuomintang is in power again, it is difficult to unify the two sides of the strait

Wang Jisi also mentioned that some "potential accidents" incidents have recently occurred in China and the United States.He did not explain it, but the suspected balloon espionage occurred at the end of January and early February. The U.S. military later shot down the Chinese balloon and the Secretary of State Brillings delayed visiting China.

When asked about the Taiwan Strait on both sides of the Strait, Wang Xisi replied that even if the Kuomintang was in power again, it was difficult to unify the two sides of the strait, because the identity of the Taiwanese had changed, and the younger generation was not close to the mainland.

In the long run, Wang Xisi believes that only the young people on both sides of the strait can have more exchanges, thereby promoting young people in Taiwan to change their identity.He said that the development of cross -strait relations depends on their internal changes, and the current changes within both sides are not conducive to unification.He hopes that youths on both sides of the strait will find more common points in the future and the solution of cross -strait issues.

Although the issue of Taiwan is one of the factors that exacerbate the strategic competition between China and the United States, Wang Zhisi does not agree with the inevitable and imminent public opinion of "Wu Tong" Taiwan.He said that the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China clearly made it clear that the Political Policy of the National Taiwan University was still: peaceful unity, one country and two systems.

When answering whether China intentionally changes the rules -based international order, Wang Zhisi pointed out that first of all, who is the rule?He analyzed that China and the West have different perceptions of "rules".

He said that "international order based on rules" involves global governance issues and is a western concept. The "rules" referred to in internal affairs, human rights, citizen rights, freedom of speech, and rule of law.When China says "international rules", it refers to how to live peacefully in all countries around the world."This is very different from what they (West)."

Wang Jingrong, Executive Vice Chairman of Nanyang University of Science and Technology Rajele South International Research Institute, also responded in the question session. According to a understanding of the political system of the country, a person or a group of people can decide the policy to decide the policy.Look at the United States in this cognition.This may lead to misjudgment, because the White House and the Senate or House of Representatives are not necessarily consistent.

Wang Jisi responded to this that China does promotion to understand the United States and its internal politics, especially the religion and values of the United States.He said that in China, most people's perception of politics is "political struggle" or "power struggle", and there is a huge difference in the Sino -US value system.

He lamented that he hoped to promote the understanding of both sides of China and the United States, but this process sometimes made him frustrated."American House of Representatives is unwilling to contact the Communists. I have to explain that I am a Communist Party, but I have not done bad things; Chinese friends tell me that the United States is not what you think."