French Finance Secretary Lemel believes that Europe cannot be in Europe that cannot be in Europe in Europe that cannot be in Europe in Europe that cannot be in Europe in Europe that cannot be in Europe in Europe that cannot be in Europe in Europe that cannot be in Europe in Europe that it cannot be in Europe in Europe that it cannot be in Europe in Europe that cannot be in Europe in Europe that it cannot be in Europe in Europe that cannot be in Europe in Europe.In the competition between China and the United States, the row of people in the competition and supported President Macron earlier that once the global crisis occurs, EU countries should not become a vassal of any party.

According to Bloomberg, Bruno Le Maire said on Tuesday (April 11) saying on French radio program: "The president proposed that European independence and sovereignty requirements are completely correct. We are the United States in the United States.Allies, but this does not mean that we should oppose China. "

Europe hopes to get in contact with China on trade and investment matters, and to propose issues such as respect for Ukrainian human rights and territorial sovereignty.balance.

Lemal said, "We choose a conversation. Is this not better than the logic of confrontation and conflict?"