Xu Xueyuan, the temporary office of the Chinese Embassy in the United States, said in an agricultural round table forum in the United States on April 4 that China ’s attitude towards developing Sino -US relations is consistent.The fundamental interests of the two peoples and the peoples of the country are willing to develop Sino -US relations on the basis of mutual respect, peaceful coexistence, and win -win cooperation.She hopes that the Sino -US agriculture community will further strengthen two -way trade.

According to the press release issued by the Chinese Embassy in the United States on Friday (April 7), attending the speech at the third Sino -US Agricultural Round Table Forum held in San Louis, Missouri, said in a speech.The United States is a large agricultural country. Both governments of the two countries attach great importance to achieving agricultural stability, rural development, and farmers' income.China and the United States will better benefit the people of the two countries.Although Sino -US relations are still suffering from many difficulties, the enthusiasm and expectations of agricultural cooperation in the industry and the people have not diminished, which also fully shows that Sino -US agricultural cooperation has kinetic energy, toughness, and potential.

Xu Xueyuan pointed out that trade is the most important area for China and the United States to continue to expand cooperation.According to US statistics, in 2022, the United States exports to Chinese agricultural products to a record of 38.16 billion US dollars, an increase of 16%year -on -year.This reflects the solid foundation of Sino -US agricultural products trade, and it is also the result of the influence of China ’s continuous overcome of the epidemic, and provides measures for tariff exclusion and trade facilitation of agricultural products in the United States.At the same time, although China ’s exports to American agricultural products have also increased, the scale and varieties are relatively limited. It is hoped that the two -way trade is further strengthened and high -quality products such as Chinese aquatic products, vegetables, and fruits are promoted.

Xu Xueyuan said that China and the United States can also explore more new cooperation areas around agricultural modernization.China is willing to continue to deepen agricultural policy coordination, scientific and technological exchanges, and humanistic exchanges with the United States, especially through exchanges, mutual learning, information sharing, and multi -party cooperation, and in terms of climate smart agriculture, soil health, grain loss, new varieties, new technologies, new equipment and other aspects, etc.More deep -level cooperation.

Xu Xueyuan emphasized that China ’s attitude towards the development of Sino -US relations is consistent. A healthy and stable Sino -US relations meet the fundamental interests of the two countries and the people of the two countries. China is willing to respect each other, live peacefully, live in peace, and coexist in peace.On the basis of win -win cooperation, Sino -US relations are developed.