China's foreign exchange reserve in March was US $ 30.83.9 billion, an increase of $ 50.719 billion, which was significantly stronger than expected.

The data released by the China Foreign Exchange Administration on Friday (April 7) shows that as of the end of March, the scale of Chinese foreign exchange reserves was US $ 3183.9 billion, an increase of $ 50.7 billion from the end of February, an increase of 1.62%.

The Foreign Exchange Bureau explained that in March, affected by factors such as monetary policy and expectations of major economies in March, the US dollar index fell, and global financial asset prices rose overall.Under the comprehensive effects of exchange rate converts and asset price changes, the scale of foreign exchange reserves rose in that month.

China's foreign exchange reserves at the end of February were US $ 3033.2 billion, a decrease of US $ 51.3 billion from the reserves of US $ 30,84.5 billion at the end of January, ending the previous four consecutive increases.

According to the Wall Street Journal of the United States, the median value of the previously expected March of the economist in the interviewed by the economist was increased by 27 billion US dollars to more than 30 million US dollars.

According to the data provider, after a short rebound of 2.82%in February, the US dollar index regained the decline in March, down 2.28%throughout the month.Previously, November, December and January of last year fell for three consecutive months.

At the same time, after a brief decrease of 2.69%in February, in March, the RMB exchange rate of the RMB against the US dollar regained the trend, rebounded by 0.98%throughout the month.In November, December and January of last year, the RMB exchange rate increased for three consecutive months.