After McCarthy, Speaker of the House of Representatives, McCarthy and Taiwan's Tsai Ing -wen, who visited the United States, a number of official media in mainland China launched a public opinion offensive and criticized the United States to play "Taiwan cards" to achieve China.The DPP government will be punished by the DPP government "relying on the beauty".

Xinhua News Agency on Thursday (April 6) said in the review article that some of the US forces frequently played the "Taiwan card" for the hegemony and the Cold War thinking.Realize peace and unified manufacturing obstacles.

The article also criticized Tsai Ing -wen and the DPP government, saying that they tried to cooperate with the American anti -China forces to play the "Taiwan card", blindly "lick the beauty", and shape Taiwan into the front line "anti -China"The "pointed soldiers", unscrupulous "independence" provocation, increasingly pushed Taiwan to dangerous abyss.

The article emphasizes that no matter who the United States displays the so -called "firm support", and no matter how the DPP official interprets the "Taiwan beauty friendship", it cannot change the United States to treat Taiwan as "chess pieces" and "cannon fodder".The fact of the facts; the key factor that determines the trend of cross -strait relations and the complete unity of the motherland is the development and progress of the country. "No matter what the party is in Taiwan, it cannot change the overall trend of cross -strait relations and the historical trend of the unity of the motherland."

The article also called on Taiwan's compatriots to "be the Chinese people who are in a righteousness, the Ming Dynasty, discern right and wrong, and adhere to the national righteousness", resolutely oppose the "Taiwan independence" division and foreign interference, and jointly maintain the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait.

The Mainland Military Media PLA published a comment on the signature of Jun Sheng, saying that "leaning on the United States" to make a conspiracy election is unreliable, and "conspiracy" is a must.The determination of the fundamental interests of the nation is unshakable and the will is as firm as a rock.

The article emphasizes that achieving the complete unity of the motherland is the sacred mission of the people's army.For provocation, the PLA will be strictly waiting and resolutely defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity.

The WeChat public account of the Central Radio and Television Terminal also published an article on a post -time review article that Cai Yingwen's flow of "leaning on the beauty of the beauty", Gan as a "system of Taiwan"It is reduced to historical sinners, and any act of "independence" will be shattered under the strong forces of Chinese children's anti -"independence 'promotion."

Tsai Ing -wen and McCarthy at 10 am on April 5th (1 am on April 6, Singapore time) at the West time, at the Reagan Library in Simi Valley, California, closed -door talks.Mainland China, including the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the National People's Congress Foreign Affairs Committee, the Central Taiwan Office, the Ministry of Defense, and the Embassy in the United States, has spoken, criticized the United States of blurring and emptying a Chinese principle, and criticized Tsai Ing -wen to push Taiwan to soldiers to soldiers.The dangerous situation of fierce war.