A three -dimensional printing company in the United States is accused of violating the export restrictions of China.The company agreed to pay a fine of up to $ 27 million (S $ 36.4 million) to the United States on Monday (February 27).

According to Reuters, 3D Systems was designed to illegally sends the controlled military appliances and spacecraft design drawings to China.

The US Department of Commerce pointed out that the company sent the design documents, blueprints and technical specifications to the Chinese office of the then subsidiary quickparts.com to obtain quotation information.3D Systems sends a space technology design drawing that needs to obtain a US export license through email.

This company is also accused of illegally sending documents to Germany.The Assistant Minister of the US Department of Commerce, Matthew Axelrod, said: "Sending a blueprint for aerospace and military electronic products to be exported to China will endanger US national security."

3D Systems is also accused of transmitting technical data related to contracts related to the National Aerospace Administration and the Ministry of National Defense to China.