(Seoul Road Power Power Power) The United States' exemption from South Korean semiconductors in China will be exempted from China in China, and it will be the first anniversary of October this year.A senior US official said that after that, the United States may limit the level of Korean companies producing advanced semiconductors in China to prevent the threat of Chinese scientific and technological development.

According to Reuters and Yonhap News Agency, South Korea's Samsung Electronics and SK Hemisyli -leading chip manufacturers have obtained a one -year exemption from the US government in October last year to use American technology to produce advanced memory chips in China.

NAND technology is limited to today's level technology

Alan Estevez, deputy Minister of Commerce, on Thursday (February 23) hosted by the Washington Think Tank "Strategy and International Research Center" (CSIS), was asked after the exemption will occur after the exemption is over.In any case, "maybe the upper limit of their development level in China."

Estviz, which is responsible for supervising the export of technology exports of China, explained that these companies will be required to keep the flash memory (NAND) technology at the current number of stacking layers or a certain level of technology.

Estwitz added that the US government is talking in depth with South Korean chip manufacturers.He said: "We will cooperate with them to ensure that the company that will not hurt the allies. At the same time, we will limit China to prevent them from developing the ability to form a common threat to us."

The U.S. government promulgated extensive restrictions on business exchanges between semiconductors and the Chinese technology industry last year to prevent China's science and technology and military development.These restrictions have brought uncertainty to foreign companies with a large number of business in Haylex and Samsung Electronics in China.