China and Asians agreed to work together in 2002 to advance the goal of formulating the South China Sea Code, but the progress was slow. Only 15 years later, the consultation framework was set up.Reuters reports that some experts have accused China of intentionally slowing down, and China has stated that it is committed to promoting the process of consultation.

(Jakarta Reuters) China and Asianan will accelerate consultations for the formulation of the South China Sea Code this year.

Before the start of the new round of consultations next month, the Chairman of the Asian Dan Dan Director Guo India and Indian Foreign Minister Reitino met with the visiting Chinese foreign minister Qin Gang in Jakarta on Wednesday (February 22).

Reituo said: "Indonesia and Asians hope to formulate a set of effective, substantial, and implementing codes."

Qin Gang said that China will jointly maintain the peace and stability of the South China Sea with the Asianan, and accelerate the negotiations of the Code of Conduct (COC).

South China Sea Code is a document with legal binding and regulating the South China Sea behavior with sovereign disputes in various countries, aiming to formulate a framework for territorial and marine disputes in the mediation channel.

China and Asia's Diandan agreed to work together in 2002 to advance the goal of formulating the South China Sea Conduct, but the progress is slow. Only 15 years later, we started to set up a consultation framework.

Reuters reports that some experts have accused China of intentionally slowing down this process, including the use of gray zone tactics and strategic fuzzyness to claim sovereignty on the South China Sea.China has expressed its dedication to the consultation process of promoting the code of conduct.

China and Asiansan reached a declaration of behavior in all parties of the South China Sea in 2002, requiring all parties to maintain freedom of navigation and flight in this sea area.The South China Sea Behavior Code will be further advanced to this declaration.

Philippines and the United States and Australia increase interaction to compete China expand in this waters

As a new round of consultations are about to start, one of the sovereignty applications of the South China Sea recently has recently increased interaction with the United States and Australia to explore joint patrols in the South China Sea in order to counter China ’s expansion in this sovereign dispute area.Essence

Qin Gang said on Wednesday that Southeast Asian countries "should not be forced to choose the side team."He said: "New Cold War and great powers should not appear in the Asia -Pacific region. We believe that the Asianiman country including Indonesia will start from the fundamental interests of regional peaceful and stable development, independently make judgments and choices., Maintain the status and inclusive regional architecture of the Asian Safe, oppose the group's political and camp confrontation. "

Reituo said that Indonesia is firmly committed to regional peace, stability and prosperity, and advocates that Yajia'an cannot become an agent of any external forces, and cannot be caught in the vortex of a big country.

The two foreign ministers also discussed Myanmar.Reituo said that Indonesia thanked China for their five -point consensus proposed to help Myanmar's political crisis.

A five -point consensus reached with the Burmese military government in April 2021, including stopping violence, constructive dialogue with all parties in Myanmar, appointing a Yajiaan special envoy to promote dialogue, accepting humanitarian rescue, allowing Yajiaan Special envoys to visitMyanmar.However, this peace plan has not made any progress, and diplomatic efforts have stagnated.

Reituo said: "As the chairman of this year's Asian Dimetry, Indonesia will contact all stakeholders in Myanmar, the goal is to create a possibility of opening a national dialogue in Myanmar."