Wall Street Journal quoted people familiar with the matter and revealed that as Washington has stepped up to prevent US funds from being used to fund China to develop sensitive technologies, Sequoia Capital has begun to screen for some investment in China Branch considered some investment in Chinese technology companiesIn response to US national security concerns.

It is reported that the Biden government is expected to announce investment restrictions to companies and startups that prevent US capital from developing cutting -edge technologies in the areas of advanced semiconductors and other fields.

Sequoia Capital's branch in China Sequoia Capital China raised a record of $ 8.5 billion (about S $ 11.5 billion) last year, including funds from large American institutional investors, which caused this causedAttention of the White House and the American councilor.

The Wall Street Journal quoted the above -mentioned people who said that in response, Sequoia Capital, headquartered in Monel Parker, California, made a briefing from U.S. officials at the end of 2022, stating that it screened some of these funds of these funds.plan.This is the first time that Red Shirt Capital has screened its investment based on national security concerns. The screening will be carried out by external US policy experts. It is aimed at the new investment of Chinese semiconductor or quantum computing companies, but the result is not binding.

Between 2021 and 2022, Sequoia Capital China made at least 20 investment in Chinese semiconductor and related companies.Since the implementation of screening procedures in the fall of 2022, the company has not invested any investment of Chinese semiconductor or quantum computing enterprises through the new fund raised in July 2022.

These people familiar with the matter said that although the additional screening is not completely prohibited from sensitive investment, it seems to prevent the new Chinese fund in the development of sensitive technology. U.S. officials believe that these technologies may help helpChina's military development and other issues bring other problems.