Malaysia Special

The Malaysian Opposition National Alliance (National League) announced on February 2 that the "National League Association Councilor Vocational Committee", 29 members from 74 members of their parliament are responsible for supervising the 28 departments of the Government Cabinet.

This is the first time that the Malaysian opposition party has established a shadow cabinet similar to other Westminster Cabinet -made countries.

Scholars believe that the national league shadow cabinet must be cooperated in the opposition and the field to operate smoothly, and it may become a solution to the two sides of many years.

Otherwise, it is just another shadow cabinet with a small thunder.

This time, the National League boldly only allowed about 40 % of parliamentarians to form a shadow cabinet. This is worthy of recognition."This is actually a brave breakthrough in the political history of the Malaysian Parliament. The Pakatan Harapan should also see the" State Shadow Administrative Council "in Johor and Malacca.

Shadow Cabinet refers to the preparatory cabinet set up by the opposition party of the Westminster Cabinet -made state in the UK.The shadow cabinet has the "Shadow Minister" corresponding to the governing cabinet departments.It is usually composed of Congress opposition leaders convene a more senior party or league member of the party.

The earliest shadow cabinet of the Malaysian opposition party camp was the "Pakatan Rakyat Member Department Committee" established in July 2009, led by the leader of the parliament opposition.

At that time, all 82 members of the Pakatan Federation Congress joined this committee with 25 departments. Each committee had two members of the People's Justice Party, the Islamic Party, and the Democratic Action Party.Anwar said at the time that the committee could play the role of shadow cabinet, but it did not build a lot after it passed.

At the end of February 2020 at the Sheraton incident, after the collapse of the hopes of the Alliance (Pakatan Harapan) government at the time, Anwar, then the opposition leader of the parliament, announced on May 9 of the following year that Pakatana Parliament will form education, economy, security and laws, etc.A committee of 12 areas.This committee is regarded as the Pakatan Harapan cabinet, but it has not achieved the expected results after its establishment.

UMNO's National Front (Barisan Nasional) After the miserable defeat in the 2018 2018, it was announced on September 26 of the same year to announce the establishment of a shadow cabinet.This is the first time that the Malaysian opposition shows that the "shadow cabinet" formed, and the first shadow cabinet formed by the former ruling party.It was led by then the leader of the Congress opposition party, and each cabinet department was supervised by three Barisan Nasional members.

The shadow cabinet also announced that it would propose its own fiscal budget, but afterwards, there was no following and gradually disappeared.

In other words, whether the BN or Pakatan Harapan led by UMNO or the predecessor of the Pakatan Harapan is worried about the disagreement between the members of the members of the members or the council members of the party.British, New Zealand, or Australian Opposition Cabinet.

40 % of the National League Council Group Shadow Cabinet Scholars: Broken Breakthrough in Political Political History

Huang Jinfa, a political scholar in Malaysia, believes that this time the National League boldly only allowed about 40 % of members of the Congress to form a shadow cabinet, which is worthy of recognition.

"This is actually a brave breakthrough in the political history of the Malaysian Parliament. The Pakatan Harapan should also see the" State Shadow Administrative Council "in Johor and Malacca.

Huang Jinfa advocated that the opposition party has established shadow cabinets for more than 10 years.In an interview with Lianhe Morning Post, he pointed out that the shadow cabinet is the reflection of the cabinet, and there is a minister in the cabinet, and it has a shadow minister.

He said that the shadow cabinet formed by the National Alliance did divide the members of the lawmakers like the governing camp as a former member (that is, the shadow minister) and the rear seat."This was not done by the Pakatan Rakyat, BN, and Pakatan Harapan in the past."

The establishment of the State League Shadow Cabinet for more than three weeks. For its politics performance, Huang Jinfa believes that the shadow cabinet must meet every week like a government cabinet in order to effectively coordinate and formulate policies and respond.

After the establishment of the National League Shadow Cabinet on February 2, a meeting was held on February 5th, but there was no news about the meeting two Sundays."This shows that there is lack of perseverance in the National League."

Pan Yongqiang, a political scholar in Malaysia, believes that the performance since the establishment of the National League Shadow Cabinet is lacking.

He said that in the past, the Justice Party and the People's Bank of China had recommended policy spokespersons of the corresponding cabinet department, or the supervisors of the department similar to the National League Shadow Cabinet, but they were all endless.

"The National Alliance's practice is the same, and there will be no substantial performance."

The National League denies setting a shadow cabinet or because the government has not been officially recognized

10 days after the establishment of the State League Shadow Cabinet, Han Sha Zi Noudin, the general secretary of the National League, issued a statement on February 12 that the national alliance was not established by the shadow cabinet, but the "Supervision Committee of the Government Department".It is the "Director of Department Supervision".

Pan Yongqiang believes that the National League clarified that it was not the establishment of a shadow cabinet, which proved that the list of lists released by the National Alliance on February 2 is not easy to have substantial significance.

"This also shows that the candidates on the list are not prepared to face the matter seriously, so they must be replaced in other names and reduce social expectations. In order to avoid the shadow cabinet, they are criticized by being unable to play a role.

Huang Jinfa said that the establishment of a shadow cabinet for the establishment of the National Alliance may not be officially recognized by the government. In addition, the lack of information and resources has led to the lack of the willingness to meet. "Online meeting.

He pointed out that the party affairs agencies of the National Alliance and leaders who did not enter the shadow cabinet may not be willing to see the shadow cabinet replacing the party agency as the center of power.The leadership of the National League deny the formation of shadow cabinets in order to appease these leaders.

He said that as long as the committees established by the National Alliance can clearly divide its members into the front seat and the back seat, and can meet each week, they can be regarded as shadow cabinets.Whether members are called "Shadow Minister" or some countries call "departmental affairs spokesperson" or other titles are not important.

Experts: The Anwar government should recognize the shadow cabinet to promote the policy debate of the country and the field

The Malaysian Constitution Expert Sishalin believes that there are no regulations on the Shadow Cabinet of the Malaysian Constitution or the parliamentary parliament of the Malaysian Constitution, but the Anwar government can still officially recognize the status of shadow cabinet through the amendment of the constitution and parliamentary routine.And establish constitutional practice.

Sishalin's column article published on February 20th that many countries that implement the Cabinet of Westminster Parliament have admitted the shadow cabinet through constitutional amendments.

Huang Jinfa also agreespoint.He said that if the Anwar government hopes to see the policy of competition in the court, not populist and religious issues, they should try to make the shadow cabinet a real decision -making authority of the National Alliance, and also make the Minister of Shadow be willing to meet every week."It (the Anwar government) should formally acknowledge the function, resources and rights of the shadow cabinet in Congress legislation."

Let the Minister of Shadow swore the inauguration to restrict the national league and then launch the "Sheraton Incident"

He believes that the official can first arrange the shadow minister to swore to be a shadow minister who is loyal to the head of state in the National Palace, just like the Cabinet Minister swores to the head of the heads as a loyal minister."This can restrain the National League to launch the wishes similar to the" The Sheraton Incident "again."

He said that the Australian government pays the salary of the shadow minister every month, which is about 30 % of the salary of the cabinet minister.He suggested that the Anwar government also handled it.He pointed out that the Malaysian Cabinet Minister's monthly salary of about RM15,000 (about S $ 4,530), the government may consider paying about RM5,000 a monthly salary of about RM5,000, but there is no other allowance or pension.

Huang Jinfa said that Malaysian voters generally have higher requirements for paid politicians, especially Malay voters."At the cost of about RM5,000, the public's expectations for the national league's shadow cabinet have also allowed the national alliance to be tested by Malay voters."

He also advocates that the government applied to the shadow minister to hire a researcher, but the researcher must have a master's degree in responsible department responsible for the Minister of Shadow to enhance the ability of the shadow minister to formulate policies.He said that the government should also allow the Minister of Shadow to obtain appropriate relevant department information, so that they are more practical when setting alternative policies without being too populist or empty.

Huang Jinfa pointed out that the smooth operation of the National League shadow is absolutely beneficial to the Anwar government.For example, the National League can originally arbitrarily attack any policy of any Anwar Government Cabinet, or make a great article with race and religious topics. If there is a shadow cabinet, the public will ask the shadow minister if there are better alternative measures.

He said that if the Minister of Shadow does not do well, public opinion will ask him to step down, and the national alliance must be replaced from other rear seat members.If the National League does not make any more movement, the entire shadow cabinet will be dragged down.

"This may cause 74 members of the National League to compete with each other, and it is no longer a piece of iron plate." He pointed out that the Anwar government provides these resources and convenience for the National League Shadow Cabinet, which is actually "buying insurance" for the Pakatan Harapan.Essence

This is because the next government is out of power in the election, and the next government is more likely to provide these resources and convenience to the Pakatan Harapan.This is also in line with the Malay proverb that the head of the head of state Sudan Abdullah when dealing with the opposition between the opposition and the opposition between the opposition and the opposition "The winner will not win, and the loser will not lose."

However, Huang Jinfa acknowledged that Anwar's joint government cabinet was basically disappeared about the Shadow Cabinet of the National League.Because since the establishment of the Shadow Cabinet, the government cabinet has only been responsible for the Prime Minister's Minister Asrina, and the Ministry of Trade and living expenses, Changsha Latin, treats the matter positively.

Pan Yongqiang believes that the shadow cabinet has not yet established preliminary standards in Malaysia's politics, and the opposition party has not taken seriously. At this stage, it is too early to advocate that the government provides resources.

He said that when the opposition nominated for candidates, he must call for more people with a policy background. When recruiting assistants and staff members, he must also cultivate more policy talents and establish a stable policy think tank in order to be a shadow in the shadow.The pavilion system lays a preliminary foundation.

"These basic requirements, even the ruling fair and the DPP have not done well yet, let alone the opposition party?"

Anti -corruption will investigate many cases of the National Alliance

or impact shadow cabinet operation

The Malaysian Anti -Corruption Commission began investigating many cases of corruption and abuse during the period of the State League.Yuan).

It is reported that the Anti -Corruption Association is also investigating cases related to the chairman of the National Alliance and former Prime Minister Muyudin, and will depend on the results of the investigation to determine whether to control Muyudin.These are bound to further impact the operation of the shadow cabinet.

Pan Yongqiang believes that the two banks of the Turkistan party have been frozen by the government, and the party leaders may have faced lawsuits one after another."The Iranian Party lacks the ability to discuss policies. This shadow cabinet cannot play a role at all."

Huang Jinfa said that in theory, even if some cabinet members have to appear in the face of lawsuits, the shadow cabinet can still continue to operate. Just like the current deputy prime minister Ahmad Zahi is facing the lawsuit, the co -government cabinet continues to operate.Essence"During the Pakatan Harapan period, former Finance Minister Lin Guanying was also controlled, but the cabinet of the then Prime Minister Mahathir was not affected."

However, Huang Jinfa pointed out that although this is the case, but in actual operation, the investment in the Shadow Cabinet is a bit tiger and snake, and now lawsuits are more likely to be a good reason for the fighting against the field.

The former Prime Minister's Department, who was in charge of Congress and legal affairs during the period of the State Alliance government, said in an interview with the New Strait Times in December 2022 that the tiger -headed snake tail of the shadow cabinet before the Malaysian opposition party was because the opposition party chose closed doors to build a car, and the government did not acknowledge that the government did not acknowledge thatShadow cabinet.

Wang Zhu Naidi suggested that after the establishment of the National League Shadow Cabinet, the list should be officially submitted to the Speaker of the House of Congress and introduced the Shadow Minister to all Congress."This will allow the council to give priority to members of the cabinet when the parliament debates."