A 19 -year -old female student in China was killed by her boyfriend in the United States. The University of Utah, who she was studying, decided to pay $ 5 million (about S $ 6.75 million) to his parents.

According to the official website of Utah's official website on Tuesday (February 21), a press release was announced. Utah, the University of Utah, announced that the parents of Dong Yifan (transliteration), a 19 -year -old Chinese student who were killed last year, paid $ 5 million and solution.In his life, Dong Yanfan was killed by Wang Haoyu (transliteration), a 26 -year -old boyfriend Wang Haoyu (transliteration), who was also a Chinese student at the University of Judah at a hotel in Yanhu City on February 11 last year.

The local police set the case as a case of domestic violence. Wang Haoyu was charged with murder and detained in prisons. At present, he was judged that he could not accept trials, and he proposed innocent defense through his lawyer Alamila.

Dong Yifan's parents told the above and explained statements that their daughter is their only child. "While we continue to mourn the death of sails, we are grateful to this important step for our daughter to take this important step for our daughter, To be upright for her. "The two also mentioned that I hope that everyone's memory can inspire others to help prevent intimate partners from violence.

Utah's university acknowledged in the reconciliation agreement that Dong Yifan failed to protect Dong Yifan. The school's dormitory and accommodation education team had a defect in responding to the complex situation of Dong Yifan's death, causing Dong Yifan's parents to suffer huge losses.

The President of the University of Utah said that the murder reminded everyone that intimate partner violence is a social problem that transcends national borders and culture, and reflects in various ways. No family can tolerate children's death.Universities will continue to work hard to improve the health and well -being of students.

Utah's university documents show that one month before Dong Yifan was killed, she informed the school dormitory managers that the salt lake police arrested Wang Haoyu two days ago and accused him of attacking her in a quarrel.One month after Dong Yifan disappeared, the custodian staff notified the school police.The record shows that the staff repeatedly confused Dong Yifan's name to Wang Haoyu's name, and mistakenly called to another Chinese student in the same name as Wang Haoyu.

Uttrian University has undergone internal censorship and has punished the employees of the three dormitory departments, and two other employees resigned.In addition to money compensation, Utah University will also built a monument to commemorate Dong Yifan on campus.