(Taipei Comprehensive News) After Taiwan ’s compulsory military service was resumed for one year in response to the demand for defense this year, the US media said that young people in Taiwan did not actively respond to the call. Most people delayed their service.Tripidate military experts in the United States and Taiwan.

According to the Washington Post last Saturday (August 3), Taiwan hopes to establish professional backup forces to support 155,000 active service soldiers. All men born in 2005 or later must serve for one year.However, this year only 6%of the voluntary men, that is, 6936 people, and most students chose to go to college to delay military service.This means that the service man born in 2005 will not be trained until 2027.

The report also quoted the officials of the Ministry of National Defense of Taiwan, saying that those who served this year did not receive expected training.A number of selected consecutive years of concentrated men should conduct drones, red -gang anti -armored rockets, and thorn needle missiles, but they cannot be carried out due to insufficient number.

Gu Lixiong, the Minister of Defense of Taiwan, also acknowledged when he was questioned by the Legislative Yuan in June that the lack of equipment and instructors made the professional training of reserve soldiers slow.

It is reported that US -Taiwan military experts are worried about this, and they urge officials to speed up their actions in order to deter Chinese mainland China and prevent war from happening.

Former US Deputy National Security Consultant Bo Ming believes that Taiwan does not want to see mainland China and the United States suspecting its determination to defense, so he must have political will and vision, and use the best officers to recruit and teach.

According to the Freedom Times Monday (August 5), the Taiwan Ministry of National Defense responded that the Taiwan Army compiled the position of men in accordance with the needs of combat, not everyone operated anti -armor weapons or drones;Science and technology and new knowledge are implemented through simulators and laser combat systems to improve training benefits.

The Taiwan Legislative Yuan's Foreign Affairs and National Defense Commission convened members and the DPP legislator Wang Dingyu on Monday. It is believed that the obligations will reach the peak period four years later."Polls show that more than 70 % of young people in Taiwan are willing to defend the country and defend democracy, and have confidence in the young generation."