(Macau/Taipei Comprehensive News) In response to Taiwan's officials in Macau's office, the rotation was affected by refusing to sign the "One Central Principles" commitment.The rotation of the personnel is resolutely opposed.

The Macau SAR Government issued a statement on the official website on Friday (August 2) that according to the basic principles and policies of Macau's Taiwan -related issues after the Macau Basic Law and the Central People's Government dealt with the "99" in 1999, Taiwan's Australian institutions and personnelYou must abide by a Chinese principle.

Statement pointed out that the Macau government put forward relevant measures to sign the "commitment letter" on the Taipei office and personnel in Australia, and take relevant measures, which is completely reasonable.Taiwan officially distorted the facts and discredited attacks, highlighting the malicious hype of political purposes, seriously damaging Australian relations.The current personnel in Taipei are the result of the official and irresponsible Taiwan official, and all consequences should be borne by the official Taiwan.

Liang Wenjie, deputy chairman of the Taiwan MAC, said on Thursday (August 1) that a foreign Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Australia sent a staff member of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to return to Taiwan at the end of July.The commitment is only issued.Taiwan rejected this request, thus affecting the normal rotation of the Taiwan offices in the Macau office.

Taiwan and Hong Kong and Macao have set up offices since 2011.The Taiwan Australia Office originally compiled eight people, from the MAC, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Immigration Department, and the Police Department.After the DPP's Cai Yingwen government came to power in 2016, the MAC appointed the former Director of Macau Office Lu Changshui in 2018 as the director of the Hong Kong office, but he could not go to Hong Kong to take office because he could not obtain a visa issued by the Hong Kong government.As cross -strait relations worsen, Hong Kong and Macau closed its office in Taipei in 2021.

Macau has requested the personnel of the Taiwan office to sign a commitment to follow the "One Central Principles" commitment since 2019.At present, there are only two people left in the Australian office.The Taiwan Office in Hong Kong has faced the same problem since 2018. At present, there are only local employees.