Taiwan media reported that the Taiwan Ministry of Foreign Affairs intends to formulate new regulations to prevent procurement disputes in foreign representatives.

The Taiwan China Times reported that the representative of the Taiwan representative Yu Da? It cost 8 million yuan (NT $ 330,000, about 330,000 S $ 330,000), which was renovated.Coffee machines, although the foreign minister Lin Jialong said that the amount was wrong, it could not help but let the outside world question the ethics of the personnel in foreign countries.

Reporting on Wednesday (July 3) quoted the diplomatic system, saying that Lin Jialong has instructed the principle of the purchase fee for the purchase fee of miscellaneous equipment in the foreign museum, which will be included in the price comparison mechanism and the layered approval, so that the procurement specifications will be regulated.Certain and rigorous, arguing with Du.

The above -mentioned people revealed that in response to the above news, Lin Jialong had understood the situation of funding with Yu Da?The specifications of the use of funding at the foreign hall are not very clear. Lin Jialong heard it after taking office, so before the outbreak, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was invited to discuss relevant specifications within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The person pointed out that the principle first stipulates that the applicable object is a miscellaneous equipment with a period of more than two years and the unit price exceeds 10,000 yuan. The principle sets up the price comparison mechanism.Single, with the core of the official document.If it is a new purchase, it should be described as the necessity and evaluation of its benefits; if it is replaced, it should be described whether the original items have been exceeded and unbearable, and photos are attached.

The above principles also set up a layered approval mechanism for the procurement of different prices. If the procurement budget unit price is less than 100,000 yuan, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Secretariat will be decided to judge;Approved by the minister, secondary or director secretary; more than 300,000 yuan or purchase of more than 1 million yuan in the case, after the opinion of the regional department in charge of the meeting is required, the minister or authorized region is approved.If the annual funding is limited, the demand for the house office shall be better than the needs of the dormitory.

After being abused by public funds last month, Yu Da? <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Lin Jialong said to slow down his cheeks , there is no misappropriation of public funds.However, some procurement can be checked, and some have not been approved.Lin Jialong has reported the matter to the Presidential Palace and the Executive Yuan, and it will not be allowed to suspend the investigation.