Song Tao, director of the Taiwan Affairs Office of Mainland China, called for young people on both sides of the strait to oppose the division of "Taiwan independence" and adhere to the common home of the Chinese nation.

According to Xinhua News Agency, the 2024 Cross -Strait Youth Summit opened on Wednesday (July 3) in Beijing. Yin Li, member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China and secretary of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee, said at the opening ceremony that Beijing was closely linked to Taiwan. BeijingExchanges and cooperation in various fields of Taiwan have been deepened.Exchanges and cooperation are conducive to the development of cross -strait youths and the development of cross -strait economy.It is hoped that the youths on both sides of the strait have cultivated national friendship and the leaders of cross -strait exchanges and exchanges; deepen integration and development, and the contributors of modernization of cross -strait modernization; bravely bear the heavy responsibility of the times, and do both cross -strait peaceful and unified promoters.

Song Tao, the director of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the director of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, appealed during his speech that young people on both sides of the strait must grasp the general trend of history, strengthen the aspirations, bones, and confidence of the Chinese, resolutely oppose the division of "Taiwan independence", firmly guardThe Chinese nation's common homes; to seize historical opportunities, actively participate in cross -strait exchanges and cooperation, integrate development, and become Chinese -style modern participants, witnesses and beneficiaries.

According to the Taiwan United News Network, former Taiwan President Ma Ying -jeou said in a video speech that he led Taiwanese youth to visit the mainland in the past two years and also invited mainland youths to return to Taiwan to obtain high attention from Chinese people around the world.He always believes that youths are the future of cross -strait, hoping that the future will continue to promote cross -strait youth exchanges and create a better future of the Chinese nation.

Lian Shengwen, Vice Chairman of the Kuomintang, said in his speech that the Kuomintang hopes that the two sides of the Taiwan Strait can put on hold on controversy, seek common ground while depositing differences, and do more things that are beneficial to both parties.The Kuomintang also hopes that young people on both sides of the strait can communicate face -to -face and pragmatic communication and discuss each other to plan the future.

Lian Shengwen also called on young people on both sides of the strait to return to the offline real life from the online virtual world. Instead of hiding behind the screen to be cynical keyboard man, it is better to participate in cross -strait exchanges.