Sandra Oudkirk, director of the United States at the Taiwan Association (AIT), delivered a speech at the last wine club before leaving.Under the governance, the friendship of Taiwan and the United States will continue to flourish.

Comprehensive Taiwan Wind Media and TVBS News reported that the United States held the 248th anniversary celebration of the United States Independence Memorial Day in Taipei on Tuesday (July 2) in the Taiwan Association.Sun Xiaoya, who was about to leave this week at the reception, said at the reception that Taiwan played an important role in the global supply chain upgrade and confrontation of the threat of Zi'an.

Sun Xiaoya specially appreciated the Taiwan Vice President Xiao Meiqin who attended as a guest, saying that she would adhere to the persistence of peace and prosperity in ensuring that the people of Taiwan enjoy peace and prosperity.Show stable leadership.

Sun Xiaoya said that the United States' support for Taiwan is based on the value, freedom, and human rights value based on the shared by both parties. The US -Taiwan partnership has a valuable status in the sharing of the Indo -Pacific region that promotes a safe and prosperous Indo -Pacific region.

She emphasized that the pusher of the partnership of the United States and Taiwan is the United States' support for Taiwan's strong rocks, following the fundamental principles, and cross -party support.

Xiao Meiqin said in his speech that democracy and freedom are important elements of Taiwan and the cornerstone of Taiwan -US relations.This year marks the 45th anniversary of the promulgation of the Taiwan -US Relations Law. She thanked the United States for their long -term cross -party support, making Taiwan -US relations closer than ever.

Xiao Meiqin quoted Lai Qingde's "four pillars of peace", and proposed that the Taiwan government is committed to deepening cooperation with the United States to maintain peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait, emphasizing that this is very important for Taiwan and the world.

Xiao Meiqin also thanked the United States for a series of support provided by the Taiwan Relations Law when facing military coercion in Taiwan.At the international level, she also thanked the United States for various international cooperation platforms, so that Taiwan can share experience in the world in response to complex global challenges.

She finally said: "Although your term is about to end, I know your support for Taiwan and the commitment to the US -Taiwan relations will continue. No matter where you are, I wish you in your careerThe next chapter of the career is smooth.The committees of Bi Ling, Zhang Zhongmou, founder of TSMC, and Zeng Xiaoyuan, the host of Sun Xiaoya, and Fan Qifei, the host of the Muyi 4 Super player.

Lin Jialong also presented Sun Xiaoya's special diplomatic medal to Sun Xiaoya at the reception to recognize her contribution and efforts to promoting Taiwan -US relations.

Sun Xiaoya also looked forward to meeting with Taiwan at the presence ceremony.She said, rather than saying "Bye Bye", she prefers to say "See You Later", hoping to see everyone soon.

The new AIT Director will be replaced by the US Minister Raymond Greene.For the first time, Gu Liyan was the deputy leader of the political group of the AIT Taipei Office. From June 2018 to July 2021, he served as the deputy director of the AIT Taipei Office. He was also a son -in -law of Taiwan.