The Chinese Navy has implemented a three -day military task in the waters east of Zhejiang since Wednesday. It is expected that the third sea test may be performed in order to leave Shanghai's third aircraft carrier "Fujian".By 100 nautical miles (185 kilometers).

Scholars of interviewees believe that Beijing is obviously alert to the "Taiwan independence" elements by the third sea trial of the Fujian ship.Military experts believe that China's third aircraft carrier has not yet formed combat power, and it is too early to deter Taiwan independence and external forces.

According to the official website of the China Maritime Bureau, the Zhejiang Maritime Affairs Bureau announced on Tuesday (2nd) to announce the scope of 15 o'clock waters, and announced that it will be on Wednesday (July 3) from 4 am to 6 pm on Friday.Execute military tasks within the scope of line waters and prohibit vessels from entering.

On Monday (1st) of the Shanghai Maritime Affairs Bureau, a sailing warning said that on Wednesday, traffic control was implemented on Wednesday.Before the Fujian Ship conducts the second sea trial in June this year, the Shanghai Maritime Affairs Bureau also issued a notice to implement traffic control on a large -scale ship export of a large ship in the Yangtze River.

Qi Dongtao, a senior researcher at the East Asia Research Institute of Singapore National University, analyzed in an interview with Lianhe Zaobao. The PLA selected the first sailing test of the Fujian ship in early May before Lai Qingde, Taiwan."Every time the sea test does mean a warning."

He pointed out that Beijing is currently very dissatisfied with Lai Qingde's cross -strait relations. Cross -strait relations are more tense and stronger. The Fujian ship is just using the latest sea trial to impose military pressure on Taiwan.

Chinese military commentator Song Zhongping's interview evaluated that the Fujian ship was still in the "recruits training stage" and had not yet formed combat power. It was too early to deter Taiwan independence and out -of -domain forces.

Compared with China's first domestic aircraft carrier "Shandong" in 2018, the first three sea test was conducted in five months./A> Three sea tests have been conducted in three months this year.Song Zhongping pointed out that the acceleration speed of the airline test reflects the increasingly rich experience in the construction of Chinese aircraft carriers; however, the Fujian ship has its special characteristics, not only a large tonnage, but also uses new technologies such as electromagnetic ejection.The Lord's pace promotes the sea test.

The outside world pays attention to whether the Fujian ship is about to test the off-landing and landing and landing of the F-35 carrier-based carrier board.He studied and judged that the Fujian Ship Sea Test will go in three steps. The first few times should be concentrated in the connection between the airline power system, communication navigation and other ship supporting systems. After the entire ship test is completed, the aircraft carrier and shipThe adaptive training of the carrier is finally a adaptive test for aircraft carriers, other destroyers and frigates.

Lai Qingde Since taking office on May 20, it has been emphasized several times that the Taiwan Sea Cross-strait is not affiliated with each other , making cross-strait relations continue to be tense.Liang Wenjie, deputy chairman of the Taiwan MAC, was interviewed on Monday (July 1), on Monday (July 1), saying that the two sides of the Taiwan Strait were essentially the two countries, which caused strong dissatisfaction in Beijing.

Chen Binhua, a spokesman for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council of the Mainland, asked on Tuesday that the MAC's remarks once again exposed the nature of the Democratic Progressive Party's stubborn insistence on Taiwan independence and constantly provoking confrontation.He criticized the Lai Qingde government since he took office, ignoring the facts, composing the law, and naked selling the "theory of the two countries", and the essence of his "Taiwan independence workers" and "troublemaker";It must fail.

Song Tao, director of the Taiwan Affairs Office of Mainland China, attended the Cross -Strait Youth Summit in Beijing on Wednesday, and criticized the current independence split forces to advocate the split falsehood, trying to lean on the independence of leaving outsideThe youth pushed to the battlefield and tied the Taiwan independence chariot.He called on young people on both sides of the strait to resolutely oppose Taiwan independence division and external interference.

Qi Dongtao analyzed that both sides of the strait are currently waiting for the results of The result of the US election , and the next US President's Taiwan policy.Although there is no room for alleviating tension confrontation, Beijing will continue to increase its military pressure on Taiwan, but Lai Qingde will not further promote radical Taiwan independence such as "rectification name, constitutional constitution", and the conflict will not be upgraded by the end of the year.