Matt Pottinger, former US Deputy National Security Counselor, said Beijing used conflicts with the Philippines as a preview of attacking Taiwan.

Comprehensive Hong Kong South China Morning Post and Taiwan United News Network reported that Bolness, who had served in the Trump administration, on Tuesday (July 2), local time (July 2) in the Conservative Think Tank Foundation (Heritage Foundation) in Washington, Washington,Post the above remarks.

When it comes to the recent conflict between the Chinese and Philippines in Renai Reef (Ayunjin Reef) in Renai Reef (the Philippines), Boming said that this islands and reefs are not an important geographical strategy.Model.

He said that Beijing tried to show the ability to block and create a feeling for the outside world, that is, the United States will not only help the Philippines, but also cannot help Taiwan in the future.

Boming said that Beijing tried to use this to destroy the credibility of the United States, which is the preview of IT ’s A DRESS Rehearsal for TAIWAN.

He suggested that the United States should assist in providing supply to the Philippine Navy's Marine Corps on the Renai Reef and sending signals to Beijing, indicating that the United States will support allies in the region military.

The Chinese Maritime Police took action on June 17 in the South China Sea to perform a supply mission to the Renai Reef's sideline warships, which took action to injury eight Philippine soldiers, one of which was broken.The situation in the South China Sea heated up.

The Philippines and China held bilateral meetings in Manila on July 2 to cool down the recent tension.The two sides agreed that they were committed to alleviating and controlling the tensions of tensions without damaging their respective positions, and continued to discuss to find a solution.