Su Qiaohui, the DPP legislator of Taiwan and the chairman of the New Taipei City Party Department, was asked on the Internet program when he was running for the 2026 New Taipei Mayor election, "He is trying to move towards this direction.Let everyone recognize my efforts ", was interpreted by the outside world to express her to run for the mayor of New Taipei.

Su Qiaohui is also the daughter of Su Zhenchang, the former president of the Democratic Progressive Party.Su Zhenchang ran for the mayor of New Taipei in 2018, but was defeated to the Kuomintang opponent and the current mayor of New Taipei.

Taiwan media reports such as Comprehensive Lianhe Daily, Central News Agency, Yahoo News Network, etc., Su Qiaohui said on Wednesday (July 3) in an interview with Qi Youyou's program, although she has not served as the director of Fengzhi and the chief of the general affairs shares since she was a childThe chief of learning and art, but she just had a way to gather the whole class, so she always served as the squad leader.

Su Qiaohui was asked on the show whether he would run for 2026 New Taipei Mayor that he worked hard in this direction so that everyone could recognize his ability.However, she emphasized that the mayor of the mayor directly under the jurisdiction was the decision of the Central Party Department.

Su Qiaohui also talked about Lin Youchang, Secretary -General of the Democratic Progressive Party who may be candidates within the party, and Zheng Wencan, chairman of the Sea Foundation.She said that Lin Youchang really operated in New Taipei and often saw him; Zheng Wencan was relatively small, but he believed that Zheng Zaixin was competitive.

Su Qiaohui said that, compared with Lin Youchang and Zheng Wencan, her strength is to understand Xinbei.

For the possible opponents of the Kuomintang, she said that Li Sichuan, deputy mayor of Taipei, is an excellent affairs officer, but the focus should be the "captain" who drives the vitality of the city.In addition, she did not work together with Liu Heran, the deputy mayor of New Taipei City, so she did not comment.

Su Qiaohui also pointed out that New Taipei City lacks flexible ideas, the world's trend, and the captain of the previous generation. She is willing to play the "New Taipei Captain".