In response to Taiwan's fishing vessels being detained by the maritime police in mainland China, Cai Mingyan, director of Taiwan National Security, said that this is indeed an unusual case, and said that it will analyze whether the mainland will use this and the possible administrative ruling that may be followed by follow -up and subsequent possible administrative rulings.Punishment shows its jurisdiction over the Taiwan Strait, weaken the sovereignty of the Taiwan government or perform pressure.

The Taiwan fishing boat "Great Entry No. 88" was operated on Tuesday (July 2) from the sea outside the Golden Gate.The Mainland Maritime Police Department reported on Wednesday (July 3) that the Fujian Maritime Police on Tuesday inspected a Taiwan fishing boat suspected of illegal fishing in Quanzhou.The ship violated the Fuxing Restaurant regulations and dragged the net operations in the Fishing area line in the bottom of the bottom, and the use of the illegal illegal use was far less than the smallest mesh size stipulated by the state, which destroyed marine fishery resources and ecological environment.

Comprehensive reports from the Central Radio Network, Free Times and Lianhe Daily reported that Cai Mingyan went to the Taiwan Legislative Yuan to conduct special reports and prepare for inquiries on Thursday (July 4).Before the meeting, Cai Mingyan's mobilization of the mainland maritime police seized "Great Entry 88" told the media that this was indeed an unusual case.He pointed out that the National Security Bureau will analyze the matter from two levels. In addition to whether the mainland officials say in the law, the fishing vessels involves violating local fishery regulations; at the same time, it will analyze whether the mainland has political considerations and operation cognitive wars.

Cai Mingyan said: "Is there a seizure of such a fishery, and there may be subsequent administrative penalties to show the CCP's jurisdiction over the Taiwan Strait, as well as weakening this incident to weaken through this incident.The government's sovereignty status, or pressure on the government.And maintaining the right of fishermen's legal fishery operations at sea, and called on fishermen to enter a more sensitive waters, they still need to improve their alertness, pay attention to safety, and especially respect relevant laws and regulations.He hopes that in the process of handling similar cases on both sides of the strait, he still must accumulate mutual trust and stack of goodwill, so that the relationship between the two parties and interactions can develop in a more benign and positive direction.

On the other hand, Cai Mingyan also talked about the incident of "producer" Taiwan's political theory programs "producer" of reporters from the mainland official media.He said that he has received different emotional compensation for this case, and has handed over the relevant information to the relevant units for investigation, and said that the investigation bureau has filed a case for investigation.

Zhao Bo, a reporter from Xinhua News Agency in Taiwan, was previously exploded to have a political program in Taiwan, and asked the theme of the program to meet the requirements of the Taiwan Affairs Office in order to achieve the effect of "Taiwan".