(Taipei News) The latest polls from Taiwan's pro -green media show that 34.7%of the people interviewed are not satisfied with the DPP President Lai Qingde's governance performance one month after taking office, which is 9.4 percentage points from May.

Monday (July 1) the results of the national government polls on the official website of Monday (July 1), 47.6%of the people are satisfied with Lai Qingde's governing performance, an increase of 2.4 percentage points from May; 34.7 on the dissatisfaction is 34.7%, A sharp increase of 9.4 percentage points from last month.

As for trust, polls show that 53.7%of the people trust Lai Qingde, an increase of 0.7 percentage points slightly from the previous month.36.3%indicated that they did not trust, an increase of 2.4 percentage points from May.

polls also show that 38.6%of the people are satisfied with the administrative president Zhuo Rongtai's governance performance, an increase of 6.9 percentage points over the previous month.At the same time, 29.9%expressed dissatisfaction, an increase of 11.1 percentage points from last month.

Chen Minfeng, a senior media person, wrote on the Electronics Payon of Beautiful Island. The satisfaction of Lai Qingde and Zhuo Rongtai is a good thing."News".

The Taiwan Chao -and -Oquan camp has recently fallen into a series of offensive and defensive battles due to the Reform Act of the Legislative Yuan, allowing the outside world to pay great attention to the political trends of Taiwan in the future.

The survey time of this poll was from June 25th to 27th. With adults over 20 years old in Taiwan, it was sampled by dual architecture of residential calls and hand -phone telephones.1074 interviews were completed, which were 752 residential telephones, and 322 mobile phones; the maximum value of the sample error when the consolidated sample was 95%of the trust level was 3.0%.