Taiwan Lai Qingde Sunday (June 30) issued a commendation order to commend the three officers and soldiers who had been missing for six months and were declared dead for six months.

Comprehensive Taiwan United Daily News and Liberty reported that the Taiwan Navy Sea Tiger Submarine accident occurred on December 21 last year.The whereabouts are unknown so far.

The joint newspaper reported that after the prosecutor announced that the three non -commissioned officers died, the Navy held a farewell form in the Zuoying Military Region on Sunday.The report did not mention when the prosecutor would declare the death of non -commissioned officers.

The Taiwan Government announced on the official website. Lai Qingde went to the Kaohsiung Navy official school on the morning of June 30 to attend the joint memorial ceremony and issued a commendation order to commend the head of the tiger tiger warrior Lin Junrong, Yan Chenfan and Zhang Yiyu to rescue their compatriots, rescue their compatriotsThe heroic spirit also represents the highest respect for all the people of Taiwan.