In response to the tide of dismissal, the Kuomintang Legislative Yuan's party group proposed to revise the threshold of the dismissal, the DPP legislator criticized that the blue -green showdown will occur when reviewing the relevant proposals next week.

Comprehensive Taiwan Freedom Times China Times and the Central News Agency reported on Saturday (June 29) that according to the agenda of the Correction Committee of the Taiwan Legislative Yuan and a non -party legislator Gao Jin Su Mei, a public office was held on July 3rd.The personnel election and dismissal law practiced the current situation. On July 4th, the proposal proposal proposal proposal of the aboriginal and civilian legislators was mainly based on the trial.Atticed.

This amendment bill claims that those who have worked for less than one year shall not be the proposal and joint signing of the dismissal; at the same time, the number of dismissal consent must exceed the number of votes for the dismissal, and the dismissal can be passed.

The People's Party Chairman Ke Wenzhe said in an interview on Friday (28th) that the people's party did not agree with the threshold for changes and opposed the dismissal and became a political tool.

It is understood that the People's Party intends to launch its own revision version, which is mainly aimed at the rigorous dismissal procedures without mobilizing the threshold for the dismissal.The people's party group will also speak at the public hearing on July 3 to strive for the recognition of the Blue and Green Legislative Council Party.The Kuomintang will discuss the reasons for the increase in the threshold of the public hearing with the main force of the notch partition.

The Kuomintang group issued a press release to call on the amendments to the public official election removal law, and also give Taiwan a rational space and election removal system. This is what the legislature should do at present.

The DPP legislator Wang Dingyu said that although the people's party publicly opposed the threshold for raising the dismissal, he reminded that "not voting or not, it is to support the Chinese Kuomintang to raise the threshold of removal."Opposing votes is the real opposition to the Kuomintang abuse of power.