Taiwan will move to the Freedom Plaza in the Freedom Square in the Freshy Plaza in the Chiang Kai -shek Memorial Hall as soon as the end of this year. This is one of the measures that Taiwan ’s official promoting transformation justice.

Comprehensive reports of Taiwan Zhongtian News Network, Liberty Times, etc., many DPP legislators have recently advocated letting the Three Army's performances evacuated from the Hall of Memorial Hall, saying that this move was to remove the "dictator to the dictatorWorship ".

The Taiwan Defense Director Gu Lixiong said on Tuesday (June 25) in the Legislative Yuan that the three military instrument teams were in charge of the Ministry of Culture.The execution was finally filmed by the Ministry of Culture, and the Ministry of National Defense was completely cooperated.

On the next day Gu Lixiong's announcement, many communities in Taiwan visited the Ministry of Culture and expressed concern about the transformation of the Chiang Kai -shek Memorial Hall.According to the community and other communities of Taiwan, the Ministry of Culture stated that it will be implemented in stages. The first stage is the worship ceremony of the Three Army Equipment Teams. It will be canceled after the Executive Yuan promotes the transformation justice.

Li Jinghui, the Secretary of the Ministry of Culture, Li Jinghui on Thursday (June 27) at a press conference after the Executive Yuan Conference, also said that it would report to the promotion of transformation justice and report to confirm.

Freedom Times Saturday (June 29) quoted officials and pointed out that the promotion of transformation and justice will be reported to be held once every six months.Therefore, the next time it should be September or October this year.

It is reported that the decision to officially implement the three military ceremonies' performances with the performance of the three army instrument teams will be implemented at the end of this year.

The issue of justice of the Chongzheng Memorial Hall has been controversial in Taiwan for a long time.The transformation and justice committee consisting of the DPP government advocates changing the name and use of the Chung Kyo Memorial Hall, and asked the Three Army Equipment to withdraw, or at least far away from the Entou on the Outside of the Chiang Kai -shek Memorial Hall to remove the authoritarian symbol of the Memorial Hall.

However, the Kuomintang of the Welle Party criticized that this is selective justice and tears Taiwanese society.