The mainland committee of Taiwan upgraded the tourism warning of mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau to the second highest orange, and the party chairman Ke Wenzhe said that after the mainland released the judicial interpretation document of Taiwan's independence, Taiwan was adjusted.Travel warning lights, malicious spirals on both sides of the strait rose, and find ways to solve it.

Comprehensive Free Times United Daily reports, Ke Wenzhe said in an interview on Friday (June 28) that cross -strait relations are getting worse and worse.Will it be defined as a Taiwan independence, and he is afraid that when traveling to the mainland one day, he will be arrested. Therefore, he believes that Taiwan's issuing tourism warning is reasonable.

Ke Wenzhe said that after the mainland issued a judicial interpretation document for punishment of Taiwan ’s independence, Taiwan adjusted the tourist warning lamp, causing a vicious circle, and also showed that the malicious spiral between the two sides continued to rise.He believes that we must find ways to solve this problem to maintain the security of Taiwanese businessmen and Taiwan students studying employment in the mainland and protect the rights of people's travel.

Talking about the production of mainland official media in Taiwan's intervention in TV political programs in Taiwan earlier. Ke Wenzhe responded that if it is true, the national security unit should quickly investigate and handle it.If the official color media says, go to it quickly. "

Earlier, Ke Wenzhe wrote on Facebook on Thursday (27th) that Beijing's internal remarks on Taiwan will only push Taiwan farther, and it is not good for cross -strait exchanges.

He said that although the two sides of the strait are the same in the same text, the political system and lifestyle are very different. They respect and understand each other."I look forward to Beijing officials to be more sun and less north wind."

Mainland Judicial and National Security Organs issued a judicial interpretation document for punishment of Taiwan independence on Friday (21st), emphasizing that after the death penalty of independence of Taiwan independence, the Taiwan MAC announced on Thursday (27th) thatThe tourism warning of Hong Kong and Macau has been upgraded to the second highest orange, but it is emphasized that this move is not a measure of counter -countering mainland.