On Wednesday morning, I took the time to return to the Politics University of Catong Chashan, Taipei, and met with the university classmate Huanqi near the office of the philosophy department of the alma mater. I played with a double guitar for more than an hour to reflect on the bloody time of the campus era.

When farewell, I suggest that the Taiwanese writer San Mao and the Singaporean creator Liang Wenfu are still composed of Liang Wenfu.

Farewell to Taiwan, it is still a portrayal of mood at this moment.This is the second time I have bid farewell to Taiwan after a long stay.The first time I came to study for thinking for four years, began in 1992, and graduated in 1996; the second farewell was to go home for three years and seven months.

After all, Xinma is my hometown of life, but I lived in Taipei for nearly eight years before and after, and Taiwan felt that it has become the third home.This outsourcing journey is busy and compact than expected, and social entertainment is as reduced as much as possible on weekdays, but at the juncture of the part, it still squeeze out some fragmented time and talk to friends and relatives of all parties, and old rain and new knowledge.

In a sincere conversation of a sincere conversation, I felt the temperature of the Taiwanese sincerely.In addition to the enthusiastic help to interpret experts and scholars who have various issues, there are many elders, teachers, classmates, and church brothers and sisters who have known each other for more than 30 years. Everyone meets again after many years, is kind and fresh, and some people even have even changed.

I only returned to Taiwan to travel four times within 24 years after graduation.This time, I returned to their homeland. I learn every day through the perspective of outsiders and local observations, re -understand and think about how to see the world from Taiwan, and from the world to Taiwan.The main perspective of the world is of course China, the United States, Cross -Strait and Singapore.

I must say that in addition to the still, the internal and external situations and environment of Taiwan have actually changed a lot.

The first arrival in Taiwan in 1992 was just open on both sides of the strait. At that time, most Taiwanese and Hong Kong and Macao students thought that they were Chinese. Of course, they were Chinese under the rule of the "Republic of China".Talks on both sides of the Taiwan Strait that year, which caused the 1992 consensus that created the fuzzy space of politics.

Most foreign media at that time had not yet been stationed in Taiwan, and I felt that the folk in Taiwan did not pay much attention to international developments.New horses or Nanyang students are often asked, "Are you living on the tree?" "Why are you not Chinese, but Singaporeans, Malaysians?"

These common questions often surprised Nanyang Chinese students. We always tire of annoying explanation. We are Chinese who have developed and are Chinese who have developed countries, and they are not Chinese.

The civil anti -communist consciousness was strong at that time, and often heard the saying of "counterattacking the mainland" and "simplified characters was bandit".From the classroom and classmates, I also understand the foundation and growth of the "288" historical complex, Taiwan identity, and the gradual thrive of local consciousness.

History has been rotating for 30 years. For overseas Chinese recognition of local countries, Taiwanese friends have almost no doubts.Taiwan ’s attention to the world and the world’ s attention to Taiwan have also increased due to the key position of the Taiwan Strait and the key position of semiconductor chips in the supply chain.

I lived in Taiwan twice, experiencing the world -renowned Taiwan Strait crisis in 1996 and 2022, and also observed local elections and presidential elections on the spot.I see the two phenomena, leading to the current situation of internal politics and cross -strait relations, and they may continue to dominate the future political situation.

First, the drama changes from the recognition of the Chinese to the Taiwanese, the second is the decrease in the political fuzzy space of the cross -strait government's reconciliation and dialogue, and the land or pro -China is already a voting poison.Mainstream.

What many friends of Taiwan are worried is that Taiwan ’s politics and cross -strait topics discussions often tend to“ just look at their positions and do n’t ask right or wrong ”. Political figures are“ played a lot ”in front of the camera.Flowing, major construction and development, have also made people who are concerned about Taiwan's development and cross -strait peaceful people feel consumed and weak.

In any case, in the future, how Taiwan's politics develops and how the cross -strait dilemma finds the solution, it must be submitted to the officials and parties of Taiwan and the mainland to decide. As outsiders, we can only care, pay attention, and send blessings.

What I miss is the vitality and temperature of the folk in Taiwan, including the rich and sweet vegetables and fruits of the four seasons, the friendly interaction of the four seasons;Cycling to the riverside blowing and connecting the hiking aisle.

There is still a lyrics mentioned when I say "Star white hair becomes a teenager". I have become a half -hundred old student from the young students of the year.But this time, I do n’t have any other Taiwan, but I seem to be a teenager from the white hair from the stars. Looking for the constant temperature of Taiwan and revisiting the youthful blood of the year.

The weather in Taipei has turned hot, and the philosophy helps the teacher to open air -conditioning for me and my friends. Let us still recording with other songs that praise friendly.

I sincerely hope that no matter how the situation in the Taiwan Strait, the political and internal social situation of cross -strait politics evolved, the temperature of the Taiwanese will never change. I also hope that cross -strait relations will inject more respect and sincerity of each other, and accumulate energy for peaceful development, reserve hope for hope, and reserve hope for hope.Essence

Just as the poets of the poets on both sides of the New Malaysia: The most beautiful distance is the two sides -because of the cross -strait, there are hopeful eyes, the heart of each other, and the dream of acacia.

No more Taiwan, the heart is very warm.Friends in Taiwan, Zhenzhong.