Indonesian police Friday (June 28), report, report, June 28), on Friday (June 28), Indonesian Police.In a villa in Bali Island, more than a hundred Taiwan scam prisoners were arrested and will be repatriated in the near future.

According to Agence France -Presse, officials of the Bali Island Immigration Department said that they received the Indonesian police ventilated letter and arrested 103 people (91 men 12 on Wednesday (26th) in a villa in Bali IslandFemale), and got hundreds of mobile phones and other electronic devices.

The Indonesian Immigration Department official Safur said at a press conference on Friday that the arrested person was accused of abusing the entry permit and carried out cyber fraud operations for Malaysians.They will not sue these arrested people because their criminal behavior is not in the scope of the jurisdiction of Indonesia, so they will work closely with the official law enforcement officials including Malaysia.

Safar said that these arrested people are currently locked at the Bali Island Detention Center for further questioning, and the official will repatriate these 103 foreigners in the near future.

According to Taiwan Zhongshi News Network and Dongsen News Cloud, the Taiwan Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that the Taiwan Representative Office in Indonesia received a notification from the Indonesian Immigration General Administration on Thursday (27th) and seized 103 people in Bali IslandThere are at least 14 Taiwanese suspects who are suspected of engaging in cyber crimes.Indonesian officials are investigating in accordance with the suspicion of violating the Indonesian immigration law and will continue to deport foreign suspects in accordance with the law, or deal with other suitable laws.

The Taiwan Representative Office in Indonesia has actively coordinated the list of Indonesian suspects to provide Taiwan suspects, and will send staff to Bali as soon as possible to conduct consulles.The residence of this case will continue to keep close contact with the Indonesian officials, master the relevant investigation progress, and ask Indonesian officials to repatriate the Taiwanese suspect as soon as possible after the investigation is over.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Taiwan Foreign Ministry once again urged the public to not go to overseas to engage in illegal acts. In addition to violating local laws, affecting personal future, and harming the image of Taiwan, it may endanger their own safety.