Taiwan's representative of the United States, Yu Da? He was accused of abuse of official resources to enjoy luxury treatment abroad. Foreign Minister Lin Jialong said slowly, Yu Da did not misappropriate public funds, but some procurement was nuclear, and some were not approved.Lin Jialong has reported the matter to the Presidential Palace and the Executive Yuan, and it will not be allowed to suspend the investigation.

The Taiwan Legislative Yuan's Foreign Affairs and National Defense Commission invited Lin Jialong to report on Thursday (June 27), "How to use international friends and my organization forces to assist my country to join the relevant methods of the United Nations organizations." In the dispute, Lin Jialong made the above -mentioned representation before the interview.

The Legislative Council's Foreign Defense and National Defense Commission passed a temporary proposal to require the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to arrange Yu Da as soon as possible. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs should send the investigation report to the Legislative Council Foreign Defense Committee within two weeks.

Kiss Green Mirror Weekly Tuesday (25th) quoted the news from the diplomatic system that Yu Da purchased high unit price supplies in the name of official duties.3792 S $ 3), also reported internal personnel struggles, alarmed the Presidential Palace and the Executive Yuan requested the investigation.

Lin Jialong said before the Legislative Yuan's meeting was interviewed by the media that the 8 -megapixel mentioned by the outside world was an error number. After understanding, the number reported by the representative office in the United States in the first half of the year was US $ 350,000 (NG of S $ 474,800), Deducted 280,000 US dollars in the hardware facilities related to the important spare generator, and other nuclear sales projects were $ 70,000.

He said that there are certain procedures for the purchase and nuclear sales of the foreign hall.However, the same brand is used, Yu Da has reflected the demand for procurement, but he recommends that the car purchase is not well known.

On the other hand, Huang Ren, a legislator of the Kuomintang Kuomintang, concerned the President Lai Qingde. Since the "New Country Theory" (the Republic of China and the People's Republic of China are not affiliated), he asked Lin Jialong to follow Lai Qingde's thinking, whether the mainland committee should take the mainland committeeDenucting and entering the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to set up a Chinese company?

Lin Jialong responded: "Because cross -strait relations are special, we set up the mainland committee to handle cross -strait affairs, to some extent to acknowledge it, but it does not recognize us."

He also said that this matter involves the level of constitutional reform and needs to communicate and consensus on the opposition and field. If the mainland is willing to communicate with the Taiwan Ministry of Foreign Affairs, "we are also willing."