After the meeting of the Taiwan Economic Ministry of Economic Affairs, it decided to approve four investment cases, including the capital increase case of TSMC Kumamoto Factory and Arizona Second Factory.

Comprehensive Taiwan Economic Daily and Central Broadcasting Station reported that the Taiwan Ministry of Economic Affairs Investment and Review Department of the Ministry of Economic Affairs conducted four investment cases on Thursday (June 27), and then approved the two capital increase cases of TSMC. The total investment amount exceeded more than exceed10.2 billion yuan (USD, the same below, about S $ 13.8 billion).This is TSMC's first capital increase, and Arizona Second Factory is the third time.

Introduction to the Investment and Investment Division, TSMC's application for the Japanese subsidiary Jasm (JAPAN Advanced Semiconductor Manufacturing (INC) increased capital of 5.262 million yuan to build a new 12 -inch wafer plant, that is, the second Kumamoto Factory, it is expected toProduction of 6/7 nanometer, 12/16 nanometer and 40 nanometer process technology products.

TSMC also applied for an increase of 5 billion yuan for US subsidiary TSMC Arizona Corporation to build a 12 -inch wafer factory, the second place in Arizona, USA, and expected to produce 2/3 nanometer process technology products.

The investment and trial department stated that considering TSMC's highest -order process, R & D center, and most production capacity, they have rooted in Taiwan, and they also continue to promote the development of process technology research and development.The chain industry cooperates, connects the top local talents in the local area to enrich Taiwan's technical reserves.In the long run, it helps the Taiwan semiconductor industry to continue to maintain and enhance international competitiveness, so it will agree.

The investment and trial department pointed out that after the two applications for capital increase cases were passed, the investment amount of TSMC's Japanese plant reached 7.38 billion yuan, and the total investment amount of the US plant reached 16.5 billion yuan.