(Taipei Comprehensive News) After Beijing released the judicial interpretation document of Taiwan ’s independence, Taiwan’ s mainland committee upgraded the tourism warning of mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau to the second highest orange, but it was emphasized that this was not countermeasures against the mainland.Essence

The MAC issued a press release on Thursday (June 27) that Lu, Hong Kong and Macau have continued to increase the relevant national security laws in recent years. At present, there are quite a few Taiwanese who have been detained, left, and investigated.Recently, the mainland also issued opinions on punishing "Taiwan independence" stubbornly split the country and inciting the crime of national crime (opinion for short), which seriously threatened the personal safety of Taiwanese people to Lu, Hong Kong and Macao.

The MAC said that after the overall assessment, the government believes that it is necessary to improve the travel warning of travel to land, Hong Kong and Macau as an orange. At the same time, it is recommended that Taiwanese avoid traveling to Lu, Hong Kong and Macao.

Comprehensive Zhongshi News Network and United Daily reports, Liang Wenjie, deputy chairman of the MAC, said at a routine press conference on Thursday that the raising of the lights is not compulsory.

He also emphasized that this is to remind Taiwanese instead of the counterpart of the mainland."(People) Do you want to go, think about it yourself, there is nothing to return to the Cold War era."

The current tourism warning is divided into four levels, namely the gray warning reminding the attention, paying special attention to the safety of tourism and reviewing the yellow warning whether it should go, the orange warning that avoids the necessary travel, and the red that should not go as soon as possible to leave the country as soon as possibleWarning.

In February and March 2020, the MAC, on the grounds of the expansion of the crown disease and the increase in the risk of the epidemic, raised the tourism warning lights of Lu, Hong Kong and Macau to red.When the Taiwan border control was terminated in October 2022, the MAC reduced the tourist warning lamp to yellow.

Lianhe Daily reported that the MAC once again raised the lamp number, which is a rare example of the official raising the lamp number with non -epidemic factors in recent years.

Mainland Judicial and National Security Organs issued a judicial interpretation document for punishment for Taiwan independence on Friday (June 21), emphasizing that the heaviest to the Taiwan independence elements can be sentenced to death.