The Reform Act of the Legislative Yuan of the Taiwan Legislative Yuan's authority exercise law and the amendment to the Criminal Law came into effect from Wednesday (June 26), formally becoming a law.The Taiwan Democratic Progressive Party party went to the judicial court to explain the constitution.Public opinion is expected to have a constitutional war.

Comprehensive Taiwan Lianhe Daily and today's news reports, after Taiwan Lai Qingde expressed its expression on Monday, the Democratic Progressive Party's Legislative Council Group also held a press conference to announce the interpretation of constitutional and temporarily sanctions.

The DPP director Wu Siyao explained the 7 reasons for the interpretation of the constitution, saying that the Constitution did not construct a constitutional system of the Legislative Yuan's superiority, and the legislative procedures were significantly obvious flaws.The principle of separation and so on.

The DPP general calls Ke Jianming said that the constitution has entered the ICU intensive care unit to rescue the constitutional system and maintain democracy and the rule of law. NowProposed constitutional interpretation, followed up to fully respect the judges' interpretation of the constitution, and look forward to calling the clouds.

The constitutional interpretation is to ask Taiwan to determine whether the "Congress Reform Law" of the current controversy is unconstitutional. Temporarily sanctions, that is, frozen, suspend the implementation of laws, and be proposed when the constitutional interpretation is requested.According to Taiwan law, in Taiwan, there are 15 judges in Taiwan, as long as 10 judges attended the Constitutional Court, and more than half of the judgment of the five laws of the Legislative Yuan's reform of the Legislative Yuan may overthrow some of the provisions of the third reading of the Legislative Yuan.

Some analysts believe that the current 15 judges in Taiwan are appointed by the Legislative Yuan nominated by former Taiwan Cai Yingwen and led by the DPP. The results of the constitutional interpretation may trigger Taiwan's next wave of political conflicts.

Huang Jianhao, a Kuomintang legislator, called on that since the DPP has been in power, he should not have been struggling with political struggles. He should implement the issue of people's livelihood issues and the Legislative court hearing survey that has been promised to allow Taiwan to enter the normal operation."Instead of election for half a year, it seems to have been elected as a political struggle."

In the past few weeks, due to the "Congress Reform Law", it has caused offense and defense and social differences. The bill is a series of Legislative Government Amendments proposed by the Kuomintang and the People's Party in the wild. The content involves the "Presidential Parliament Report", "Contempt of the crime of Congress", the right of personnel consent, and the right to investigation and hearing.

The Democratic Progressive Party believes that these reform bills are actually expanded by the Legislative Yuan, while supporters believe that the bill can effectively supervise the government.