(Beijing Comprehensive News) After Beijing released the legal document of Taiwan ’s independence, Chinese official media said that the move was“ just right at the time and the hearts of the people ”, and pointed out that“ absence of trials ”shaped the high -pressure trend of“ not outside the law ”.

Taiwan scholars analyze that Beijing intends to achieve the effect of public opinion and psychological warfare through legal warfare. In the short term, it will inevitably hit the atmosphere of cross -strait exchanges.

The Supreme People's Court of Mainland China, the Supreme People's Procuratorate, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of National Security, and the Ministry of Justice on Friday (June 21) jointly issued a opinion on punishing "Taiwan independence" stubborn molecules in accordance with the law and instigating the criminal of the country (referred to asOpinions), stipulate that related crimes can be sentenced to maximum death penalty, "absence of trials", and lifekeeping.

The "Strait Review" column of the Central Radio and Television General Taiwan posted on Saturday (June 22), "In the context of the complicated and severe situation of the current Taiwan Strait, Lai Qingde's official conspiracy and provocation", the release of the opinion was "just at the time, when the time, when the time, when"

The article states that the opinions further enrich the anti -"Taiwan independence" and anti -interference legal toolbox, and provide specific provisions on the punishment of "Taiwan independence" stubbornly split and inciting split countries in accordance with the law, and provide clear guidance for judicial cases.

The article pointed out that the opinions have severely punished the crime of dividing countries such as "legal Taiwan independence", "leaning for independence", and "with martial arts independence", and also punished in the field of education and culture in the field of education and culture.In full coverage in time and space, for lifekeeping according to law, apply the absence of trial procedures, and shape the high -pressure situation of "not outside the law".

Taiwan scholars: see if there are "soft hands" in the mainland

The introduction of this document caused a shock on both sides of the strait.Comprehensive Free Times United Daily reports, Taiwan's chairman of the Kuomintang in the field said on Saturday that mainland China has no judicial jurisdiction over Taiwan, but recently seeing that the enemy's hostility has continued to spirally rise, which is "the most unfortunate development direction."

Zhang Wuyue, director of the Research Center of the Cross -Strait Research Center of Tamkang University in Taiwan, analyzed that Beijing's move was first to explain to the inside. By anti -independence in accordance with the law, Beijing has dominated by anti -independence or cross -strait relations."The two sides of the strait belong to the same China", the mainland can explain Taiwan independence and judge Taiwan independence in accordance with the "domestic law".

He said that the most important thing is to deter Taiwan, "equivalent to the effect of public opinion and psychological warfare through legal war."

Zhang Wuyue believes that Beijing has shot "hard means" in Taiwan, including previous diplomatic isolation blocking, , trade coercion, and finally legal punishment.

He judged that interactive communication between the two sides of the strait will be affected for a short time, but the main axis of the mainland on Taiwan is still ""In the middle and long term, there are other " soft first-hand "

Xiao Xucen, the executive chief executive of Ma Ying -jeou Foundation, believes that the mainland has taken legal means, rather than military means, which means that there is still room for peaceful treatment on both sides of the strait.He called on Taiwan Lai Qingde to change the " New two countries " Taiwan independence route, return to the Constitution's "one China principle", and rebuild mutual trust on both sides of the strait.

At the same time, the PLA military ship continued to move in the Taiwan Strait.According to the Taiwan Ministry of Defense on Saturday, 41 sub -military aircraft and seven sub -warships were discovered around the Taiwan Strait within 24 hours. Some military aircraft were only 31 nautical miles (about 57 kilometers) from the southernmost tip of Taiwan ’s island.