There are multiple civil aviation planes on Monday (June 17) on the grounds of off -air flights over Golden Gate and Matsu on the grounds of weather factors.It is not a gray zone fighting, but directly invading the air in Taiwan.

Comprehensive Taiwan Liberty Times and TVBS News reported that Zhang Yanting said in an interview that mainland China had previously canceled the M503 route bias and enabled W122 and W123EssenceRecently, the drone was sent to invade the Golden Gate, and then the centennial school at the Huangpu Military Academy celebrated the next day, crossing the golden horse with civil aviation machines, knowing that the Taiwan government would swallow the voices and deny Taiwan's sovereignty step by step.

Zhang Yanting pointed out that the mainland sends drones first, and now it is civil aviation aircraft, and the next is a fighter.The Golden Horse island broke through, and then went to Penghu Ma Gong. Finally, the island of Taiwan.Kinmen 12 2 (22.22 kilometers) leads the air and overlaps with the Chinese mainland. Civil aviation machines have come directly. It is no longer a gray area battle.

For people with Taiwan witnessed several mainland civil aviation aircraft flying over Golden Gate and Matsu, the Taiwan Civil Aviation Administration responded on Monday and observed that several civil aviation aircraft flew across Golden Gate and Matsu and over the sky in the afternoon.Golden Gate and Matsu terminal control areas under the Taiwan side have not yet affected Taiwan Civil Aviation Aircraft.

The Taiwan Civil Aviation Administration said that due to the influence of the front, the Taiwan Strait and the coast of the mainland were generated on Monday on Monday.Over the Golden Gate, in order to maintain flight safety, the Taiwan Airlines management unit clearly responded to "Do not enter the Matsu / Golden Gate terminal control area."