The Taiwan National Defense Minister Gu Lixiong specially explained on Monday (June 17) that Taiwan ’s Lai Qingde’ s conversation at the centennial celebration of the Huangpu Military Academy means that he must have self -strengthening defense capabilities and determination to resist the enemy.The final battle "is equivalent to accepting" surrenderism ", so this concept cannot be accepted.

Lai Qingde's speech at the centennial celebration of the Huangpu Military Academy last Sunday (June 16) emphasized that the Taiwan army must not be defeated by me, let alone accept the surrender of the "first battle".Gu Lixiong reported to the Legislative Yuan's Foreign Affairs and National Defense Commission to report "The Procurement and Effectiveness of the Procurement and Execution of the Sea and Air Power", and "the Budget Demand of the Secret Project of the Ministry of National Defense" and prepared the media interview before the inquiry.

The media asked, how long can the Taiwan army support if it is attacked by mainland China?Gu Lixiong said that the Taiwan Army "has not been supported for a long time. Our strategy and our thoughts are to construct heavy layers of frightening with asymmetric combat thinking.Power until his attempt to land in the battle failed. "

Some comments pointed out that Lai Qingde's relevant conversation after taking office has made the cross -strait "strategic blur" no longer exist. Gu Lixiong said that the strategic fuzzy lecture is the issue of the United States that has been debating.The intention also made the mainland's attacking Taiwan. It is very complicated, because the mainland can never rule out the possibility of the US military's intervention.

Lai Qingde could not accept the surrenderism of "first battle", and was considered by the outside world to refer to the former president Ma Ying -jeou who had mentioned this language in 2020.Ma Ying -jeou's office protested, referring to "the first battle" was a report from the former Tsai Ing -wen period of the National Defense Policy Research Institute, pointing out that the mainland military's strategic goal of fighting for victory, emphasizing that the people need to avoid war, not the war of war, not the war -war war.president.

The prestigious legislators also revolved around the question of "first battle" in the inquiry process.The ruling DPP legislator Lin Chuyin said that the mainland that the National Defense Institute in the report emphasized that "the first battle is the final battle" to make the United States unable to intervene.Essence

Xu Qiaoxin, a legislator of the Kuomintang Kuomintang, asked about Li Xiong, who is the surrenderist school that Lai Qingde said?Gu Lixiong replied that Lai Qingde's main meaning was to strengthen self -defense capabilities.Xu Qiaoxin said that as early as 2009, the National Defense Report of the Ministry of Defense mentioned that the Communist Party of China emphasized "the speed of the first battle for the first battle"."Right -speed decision", but Lai Qingde's statement will interpret the outside world as the view that some people embrace "the CCP will surrender".

In addition, the Navy Mingchuan ship surnamed the 24 -year -old soldier, suspected that he did not adapt to the life of the army. He jumped into the sea while the warship sailed at Keelung Port late at night.When Gu Lixiong faced the Kuomintang legislators, he smiled bitterly that the Navy had reported to him, and the man had already traveled ashore.According to Taiwan media reports, the soldiers traveled to the coast near Heping Island Park and preserved it to the Taiwan Ship Corporation for help.