(Taipei Comprehensive News) The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Taiwan thanked the Seventh Kingdom Group (G7) leaders in the joint bulletin for the first time to support Taiwan's meaningful participation in international organizations.

The Summit of the Leader of the Seven Kingdoms Group was held in Plia, Italy from June 13th to 15th. After the meeting, a joint communiqué reiterated that the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait is indispensable for international security and prosperity.Solve the issues of cross -strait.The bulletin also said that supporting Taiwan's meaningful participation in international organizations, including the World Health Conference (WHA) and the World Health Organization (WHO).

The Taiwan Economic Daily reported on Saturday (15th) that this is the fourth consecutive year of the G7 leaders' joint communiqué at the leadership summit to emphasize the importance of peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait, and for the first time, it is included in the text that supports Taiwan's meaningful participation in international organizations.The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Taiwan expressed "high welcome and sincere thanks".

Taiwan Foreign Ministry said that Taiwan, a responsible international community, will continue to work together with G7 member states and ideas to strengthen the toughness of the global democratic camp, defend the rules -based international order, jointly store the seal togetherThe general regional and global value and stability, and adhere to the universal value of democracy, freedom, rule of law, and human rights.

During the administration of former President Ma Ying -jeou in Taiwan, from 2009 to 2016, he participated in the WHO as an observer.After the Democratic Progressive Party's Cai Yingwen came to power in 2017, Taiwan no longer was invited to participate in the meeting.At the end of May this year, although the 11 diplomatic relations in Taiwan will include "inviting Taiwan to participate in the World Health Conference as an observer" into the agenda, But after the WHO's meeting debate, this proposal was finally rejected .

A spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs said at the time, "This fully illustrates that a Chinese principle is directed by the people's hearts and general trend, and there is no challenge."