The survey results of the Taiwan Public Opinion Foundation showed that President Lai Qingde was about to take over the full moon, and his reputation fell below 50 %.

Lai Qingde will take office on May 20, and will take office for another month in two days.The results of the latest polls released on Tuesday (June 18) of the Taiwan Public Opinion Foundation showed that Lai Qingde's reputation fell 9.8%to 48.2%.

In response to whether the President Lai Qingde's way of dealing with the "national" event, including the question of important personnel arrangements and policies, 19.6%agreed, 28.6%still agreed, 16.1%do not agree, 9.5%is a little bit at all.Don't agree, 17%have no opinion, 8%do not know and refuse to answer.

According to the press release issued by the Taiwan Public Opinion Foundation, the survey results show that 480% approximately agree with President Lai Qingde's way of dealing with the "national" event.have no idea.This discovery conveyed an important message, that is, Lai Qingde took office in the first month and only received less than half of the people's support.However, because the presidential performance disapproval rate was 25.6%, it was maintained at low -end, so that he would not feel immediately pressure if he was in the comfort circle at this moment.

Compared with last month, those who agreed with Lai Qingde to deal with the "national" event were greatly reduced by 9.8 percentage points.This time, the way to agree with him to deal with the "national" event is more than 22.6 percentage points than those who do not agree, it has decreased by 10 percentage points compared to last month.

This is a huge and anxious change.In Taiwan, a percentage point represents 195,000, and 10 percentage points represent nearly 2 million people. Within a month of taking office, it is supported by nearly 2 million people. It is a serious warning.

The above -mentioned poll visits are from June 11th to 13th; the object is adults over 20 years of age in Taiwan; the sampling method is sampled by the two -bottom volume of market dialects and mobile phones.%.There are 1070 valid samples, 750 people in the market, and 320 mobile phones; the sampling error is about three percentage points at the level of 95%confidence.