For the surrender of Taiwan Lai Qingde that he could not accept the "first battle, the final battle", Xiao Xuzen, the executive chief executive of the Ma Ying -jeou Foundation, said that the people of Taiwan need to avoid the president of the war, not the president of the war.

Comprehensive reports from Taiwan reporting and United News Network reported that Xiao Xuzen Sunday (June 16) criticized that from Lai Qingde's speech, it can be seen that he tend to seek war.

Xiao Xucen said that Ma Ying -jeou mentioned in 2020 that the strategy of attacking Taiwan in mainland China is "the first battle is the final battle".Come to support.

Xiao Xucen also mentioned that "the first battle is the final battle" is also the strategic goal of the mainland military in the report of the National Defense Policy Research Institute of Cai Yingwen during the Presidential Research Institute.Surveying? "

He said that the war is cruel and can cause the creature to apply charcoal. As a leader, he must exhaust all methods to avoid war.

Xiao Xucen said that the common people want peace and prosperity. It is by no means endowned on the war. Leaders should avoid evil and let the people live a peaceful and prosperous life instead of deliberately provoking themselves.Audiovisual.

Lai Qingde went to Kaohsiung to host the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the Huangpu school in Kaohsiung Military Academy on Sunday morning.Significance; dedicate to the people of Taiwan; defend Taiwan's sovereignty.

Lai Qingde said that joining the Army's official school is to carry the responsibility of defending Taiwan on his shoulders.Surrender.