For the Ma Ying -jeou Foundation referring to the centenary speech of Taiwan Lai Qingde at the Huangpu Military Academy's centennial school, Gu Lixiong, the Minister of Defense of Taiwan, said that Taiwan never asked to fight, and the overall strategy was to defend the situation.

Comprehensive reports of the Taiwan Liberty Times and Dongsen News Cloud, Taiwan National Defense Minister Gu Lixiong attended the Legislative Yuan Foreign Defense Committee on Monday (17th) to report the progress of the procurement of the sea and air combat power improvement.The budget needs of the secretary of the ministry and the inquiry.

Gu Lixiong said in an interview before the meeting that the meaning of President Lai Qingde's speech is to have the ability to strengthen self -defense, to resist the enemy's determination, and do not accept surrenderism.The concept of "first battle is the final battle".

Gu Lixiong pointed out that Taiwan never seek war. The overall strategy is to defend the situation and establish heavy layers of scare with asymmetric combat thinking.Continuously strengthen self -defense ability and determination, strategically target the enemy's possible action to develop defense ideas one by one, and at the same time weaken the enemy's ability to attack Taiwan, so that the enemy cannot achieve the purpose of invading Taiwan.

Lai Qingde Sunday (June 16) went to Kaohsiung to preside over the 100th anniversary of the Huangpu School of Military Academy in Kaohsiung, and did not name the former president Ma Ying -jeou who criticized the Kuomintang member, emphasizing that the Taiwan army "must not be able to play with me and we will not failDivided, you cannot be divided into friends, let alone accept the surrender of the "first battle,"

For Lai Qingde's speech, the chief executive of Ma Ying -jeou Foundation respondedThe president of the war, not the president of war.

Xiao Xucen pointed out that Ma Ying -jeou mentioned in 2020 that the attack strategy of mainland China is "the first battle is the final battle". Once the war is launchedCome to support.