Emma Sky, an expert in the cruel Middle East conflict expert in the war, advocated the "peace push" relative to military soldiers in Taipei, called on Taiwan to strengthen social toughness, cross -strait civil exchanges, and actively create favorable conditions for the construction of peace.

56 -year -old Emma Saga is the founding director of the International Leading Center of Yale University in the United States. He has served as a political adviser to the U.S. commander during the Iraq war and the coordinator of the temporary government of the Allies in Iraq. He also worked in Palestine for 10 years.Assist in the establishment of development institutions and promote the coexistence of Yipu.

Emma Saga accepted the invitation of the Longyingtai Cultural Foundation, and talked to a group of guests in Taipei on June 6th.Peace".

In a speech at the closed door, Emma Saga revealed that during her work in Israel and Palestine, she went to Turvev Plaza, Israel on November 4, 1995 to participate in a huge peaceful rally.The then Israeli Prime Minister Ribin, who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, was shot dead when he was awarded at the Nobel Peace Prize, which severely frustrated by Baba peace.

She said that when the political process of Pakistani was in the same year, the terrible consequences were presented in the current Evi War. She had a former colleague and friend who was shot, killed, and hostage during this Harbin War.She also witnessed terrorism, social disintegration, and civil war while working in Iraq.

Because of the first -hand experience and long -term research on the conflict of the Middle East, it promoted Emma to how to avoid the Taiwan Strait War.Last year, she participated in the push of soldiers held in Taipei in Taipei in Taiwan.Actively think for peace and try to achieve peace. "

Peace Game, also known as peaceful deduction, is a relatively unfamiliar concept for Taiwanese society.Even in the West, it is often regarded as a part of military soldiers.Participants with closed doors admitted that they participated in many troops in the United States and "all started with landing and ended war loss." Before seeing someone holding peaceful pushes to delay or prevent war.

Comprehensive Emma Siger's speech and answer, Taiwan faces the two major survival threats that may launch blockade and climate change in the face of the mainland. Peaceful push can be discussed through expert discussions to deduce how to prevent global warming, increase energy autonomous supply, grain food, food, food, food, foodSelf -sufficient and self -sufficient, improve water storage management to strengthen social toughness.

She said that at the political level, in order to avoid war, the new president of Taiwan must consider restarting dialogue with Beijing to reduce misjudgment and misunderstandings, and explore the cross -strait relations plan that Taipei and Beijing can accept to maintain the status quo.

It is recommended to promote cross -strait tourism and business and cultural exchanges through peaceful parades

In terms of social toughness, she suggested that she can improve their awareness through peaceful parades, strengthen the internal cohesion of social protection through national defense and civil defense services, promote environmental protection movements, and promote understanding and reducing hostility through cross -strait tourism, business and cultural exchanges.

Emma Saga said that compared to social media encouraging sharp and radical remarks, peaceful pushing should also think about how to build various platforms and regulate artificial intelligence technology to encourage more friendly and gentle views, and no sound waves abducted by extreme elements.Peace agenda.

Some experts at the meeting mentioned that in addition to exploring how to increase toughness, to achieve peace, after all, we must find out a mechanism to promote the dialogue between the two sides of the strait and all parties and discuss a peace plan that meets the needs of all parties.

Long Yingtai, who hosted the dialogue, said in a summary that it is the most important thing to avoid war and build peace, but now what should really do, "not only buy weapons from the United States", the most basic and core is to establish a society in society.Toughness, whether there are war or no war, should think about people's livelihood and descendants, and strengthen energy autonomy and water resources management.